View Full Version : Pioneer se505 headphones?

The Vinyl Adventure
28-03-2011, 16:05
Anyone got any real life experience of these?
They have a mint pair in my local cash converters in thier original box ...
They are that good nick it makes me wonder if they might just be crap as obviously no one has used them much at all ... They look cool! But I think I might need a back/neck brace to use them if I bought them ...
They are £59 and they seem happy with £45 ...
Worth a punt, or a bit too much cash for what they are do we think?

28-03-2011, 20:42
Found a thread on Headfi if that's any help.


30-03-2011, 08:52
Reading between the lines what's written on Head-fi, I'd say they're defo worth a punt, *providing* you can handle big, bulky and heavy headphones. If they're heavier than Koss PRO-4 AAs, then that's saying something! :eek:

However, experience tells me that vintage headphones (much like vintage speakers) are voiced 'properly', and should sound nicely musical, in the way of the Phillips cartrridge you've just bought, with a similar 'fun factor'.

I'd snap 'em up, as they're likely to be a good buy at that price :)


The Vinyl Adventure
30-03-2011, 09:55
Haha, cheers Marco, it wasn't meant to be a guilt trip... ;)
Cheers though... I'm still tempted by them ... On looks alone if I'm honest, but I don't listen to headphones enough to justify them really ... Bit of brain over heart thinking from me for once :)
(I they are still there in a week I'll prob grab them saying that :lol:)