View Full Version : 5670/2C51/396A/6N3 tube recommendations please!

24-03-2011, 00:08
Hi everyone,

Recently I had some cash burning a hole in my pocket, and I decided to buy a tube amp. I bought a Qinpu Q2 for a little over $100 shipped. It puts out 2.5 watts per channel and is a hybrid tube/class D design. It uses a single 6N3 or equivalent as a driver tube. I'm really liking the unit so far, it has some tube sweetness with solid state grip and drive. I'm going to write a review after I've lived with it for a while.

The amp came with a no-name 6N3 that sounded pretty poor; very harsh and edgy, with very little "tube magic." I rolled a GE JAN 5670W in its place ($5, 1985 production, I bought it when I bought the amp), and it's worlds better. However, it's still sounding a touch on the strident side. Ideally, I'd like something that's a little warmer/mellower than the GE, but hopefully something that still retains its detail and extension. The Qinpu doesn't have too many hours on it yet, so that's probably a contributing factor as well.

I've read that the Sylvania black plate 2C51 is very good, and also I've read wonderful things about assorted NOS 396As from Western Electric and Raytheon, but these can be nearly as much as the amp! I'm just dipping my toes into tubes and I can use all the help I can get. Thanks in advance guys! :)

24-03-2011, 08:10

i've had some great results using the 6n3p-dr russian military spec