View Full Version : What Instruments Do you play?

23-03-2011, 23:23
I did a seach and nothing came up i might be searching for the wrong things so if this is a repost sorry!:doh:

Iv got a Yamaha RBX200 Bass guitar, A good friend gave it to me and i refurbed it and got it looking nice,

Im teaching my Self Tab to play it, only song i can play at presnt is Seven nation army by the White Stripes

Whats everyone else got?

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/163654_10150371739295343_895745342_16495447_137978 3_n.jpg

Neil McCauley
23-03-2011, 23:28
Jack Casady Epiphone 4-string bass through a small Fender amp. And candidly I'm concluding I have zero talent!

23-03-2011, 23:30
I is predominantly a mangler of Stratocasters :)

The Grand Wazoo
23-03-2011, 23:47
An Epiphone Sheraton like this one:


and a Laney amp.
...........but 'play' could perhaps be slightly overstating things!

24-03-2011, 00:29
I've played piano since I was six. I have a Yamaha P80 with a Roland amp. It's regular piano sampled voice is very good; it's sparkling and dry like a Yamaha grand with lots of complexity. The other instrument voices are fairly poor, expect maybe the bass samples. Regardless, it feels good and it works.

I learned to play on a Baldwin upright that still resides in my parents' house. It gets unreasonably loud for a small suburban home.

The Grand Wazoo
24-03-2011, 00:37
Also in the house (and for slightly more serious purposes than mine) there is a cello, a Korg stage piano, a strat copy and an old and rather beautiful 9-string acoustic guitar.

24-03-2011, 07:36
Chris that a stunning guitar. The Laney valve amps have a lovelly tone and with that guitar I imagine some beautiful blues and jazz tones ala Larry Carlton room 335
I have not played guitar for a few years now, my last guitar was this model
http://www.zenithmusic.com/Gitane_D500.html It had a really great tone brillant for playing Gypsy Jazz on it
I have had an Ibanez Sabre going through a Laney valve amp with a nice floor processor; boy could I get some great sounds from that

The Grand Wazoo
24-03-2011, 07:57
In my teens, the brother of a friend of mine had a rare and exquisite pre-Gibson Epiphone semi-acoustic & despite previously having no desire to play the guitar, I lusted after it. A bit later when I was able to, I sought out the nearest thing to it that I could afford. The Laney's a transistor model, unfortunately!
That Gitane could make you believe your name is Django - lovely.

24-03-2011, 08:01
Gibson ES335, Fender American Tele, Aria LP copy, Warwick Streamer Bass, Martin 000X1 acoustic. Yanagisawa Soprano Sax.
I play, I enjoy and if I was any good I would be living in a big house and have Loadsamoney..........

Thing Fish
24-03-2011, 08:28
I played in bands around London for about 12 years. About 10 years ago I got fed up with it all and quit.

I had a 1974 telecaster and a beautiful Lowden 025c acoustic but redundancy meant I had to sadly sell them both.

I have to be honest and state that I don't miss playing one bit. I think when it becomes more of a job than a hobby then can become a chore. Unless that is you become famous and earn a packet! Sadly not the case for me :-(

24-03-2011, 09:15
I've been a rubbish bass guitarist since the late 70's, and continue to be one, I picked it up again about 5 years ago. I've got a lovely Aria Pro IGB 68 active in black ash, which is far too good for my ham fisted fumbling, but I did get it discounted and it is beautiful, I'd post a photo but it's in it's flightcase due to the missus breaking my stand last week...:steam:


...my basic fundamental problems are laziness, and lack of talent :lol:

As for amps I have a cheap Samick 15W practice amp

But I do like plunking along with the occasional tune.

I also have a 6 string acoustic that I picked up from a work colleague for a tenner about 3 years ago, it's an 'Encore', which I'm unfamiliar with, but again far too good for my 3 or 4 chords ;)

On top of that I mess around with Ableton Live (eastern european copy if you know what I mean :eyebrows:), and have a cheapo casio midi keyboard (again which I can't play...there's a theme building up here :)) which I use via my M-Audio 2496 soundcard.

And finally a lovely ceramic Moroccan Doumbec which I picked up at WOMAD about 15 years ago...and guess what I can't play that either :lolsign:

I realised a long time ago that I am a better consumer than producer, still at least it helps me appreciate how good proper musicians are, and they're lovely things to have around the house...:)

24-03-2011, 09:29
I played in bands around London for about 12 years. About 10 years ago I got fed up with it all and quit.

I had a 1974 telecaster and a beautiful Lowden 025c acoustic but redundancy meant I had to sadly sell them both.

I have to be honest and state that I don't miss playing one bit. I think when it becomes more of a job than a hobby then can become a chore. Unless that is you become famous and earn a packet! Sadly not the case for me :-(

You make a really good point, I have a lot of mates who have been in a similar situation to yourself, very accomplished musicians, but who've been a bit jaded by their experiences with the music industry.

Even worse it's kind of turned them off music in general, I suppose when a hobby becomes work it ceases to be fun...:scratch:

24-03-2011, 09:41
I play the gramophone.

24-03-2011, 09:51
In the house we have a lovely upright piano, a Ludwig drum kit and an acoustic guitar. The drum kit and guitar are mine and the piano is my wife's. They all pretty much sit unused. I was trying to reignite my interested in the drums up until a couple of months ago when our baby was born, so that put a stop to that. I've now moved the kit out of my study and up to the spare room, stacked in the corner.

The problem with the drum kit is that it will sing along with your hi-fi, so after I moved my hi-fi back into the office, the kit really did have to go. Pity really.

When I left school I bought for myself a 1972 american fender telecaster in blonde. Bear in mind I left school in 1998, I then sold the guitar when I was in Uni as I ran out of money. Found someone selling a similar guitar a couple of years ago on the web, and they wanted close to 10k. I sold mine for 400 quid. :doh:

Silly me.

24-03-2011, 12:12
I have a Stratocaster in Sunburst. Lovely guitar I'm told by those who pick it up and play but unfortunately I can't even tune the bl**dy thing.

If only...:violin:

24-03-2011, 13:12
A bunch of cheap guitars - an Aria Les Paul copy, a Wesley Fender Jaguar-ish copy, an Ovation Applause acoustic 6-string and a Vintage V300 acoustic 6-string. A Roland Cube amp. A Harmony mandolin. A soprano ukulele.A cheap Chinese-made violin. A junk-shop clarinet that hasn't had reed in it for 20 years. A few harmonicas and a bunch of penny whistles.

My playing ability on all of them is several steps below adequate.

24-03-2011, 13:27
Mex HSS Strat. Started playing again last year after 20 year absense. Not very good, but happy wearing the ends of my fingers off. I use a pocket Pod and headphones for playing ATM.

24-03-2011, 13:41
When I left school I bought for myself a 1972 american fender telecaster in blonde. Bear in mind I left school in 1998, I then sold the guitar when I was in Uni as I ran out of money. Found someone selling a similar guitar a couple of years ago on the web, and they wanted close to 10k. I sold mine for 400 quid. :doh:

Silly me.

Oh don't remind me...I had an original 60's Fender Mustang 3/4 length bass back in the late 70's, orange with black stripes, had to sell it to supplement my student drinking habits.

I dread to think what it would be worth now :doh:

24-03-2011, 14:09
Got my first electric when I was 14 .. a hofner les paul junior lookalike ... That disappeared and so did my hobby until the early 1980's when I went into Boogie something in Charing Cross road and said to the guy in the shop "I can't play worth a shit but I'd like a decent guitar with the Stratty Lyrnrd Skyrnyrd sound" ;) .... I emerged with a heavily customised Red Strat that once I had bought it the guy told me used to be Gary Moores from his early days experimenting with getting max sustain ... Around the same time got a Marshall Silver Jubillee 25/50 combo .. which is very hard to find now.
I aquired a lovely handmade Strat copy from a pro muso in the early nineties .. and just a couple of years ago gave in to long standing wish to have a Les Paul .. I got a Slash Ltd Edition Les Paul which right out of the box sounded absolutely mint ....
Also got a selection of 70's Jap acoustics, Yamaha F180, F300, 838CS, a beautiful J200 copy made by Ventura and a lovely Martin lookalike Yamaki .. they just knock the crap out of anything new for twice the price .. and well worth chasing down on Ebay.

Oh ... and I still can't play worth a shit ... but who cares .. Nothing much beats coming home after a few beers and jamming along with The Allman Brothers .. I love it .. :cool:

24-03-2011, 16:46
I did a seach and nothing came up i might be searching for the wrong things so if this is a repost sorry!:doh:

Iv got a Yamaha RBX200 Bass guitar, A good friend gave it to me and i refurbed it and got it looking nice,

Im teaching my Self Tab to play it, only song i can play at presnt is Seven nation army by the White Stripes

Whats everyone else got?

Gibson Les Paul (cherry red), Fender Stratocaster (burgundy), Fender Precision bass (black) and Selmer Alto saxophone (yellow gold).

24-03-2011, 21:48
A lot of guitarists!

My musical history started at around aged 8 when I took up the violin. No idea why I wanted to play the violin, but I did. Played in the school orchestra, graduating from 2nd to 1st, even attended a master class with the late great Yehudi Menuhin, but gave it up when I was 14 'cos it wasn't cool, and I wanted to play the guitar... Bought a Marlin Strat copy, and spent hours hunched over it like many a teenage boy...

Problem was, everyone else played the guitar, so by the time I was 16 to get into any of the bands my mates were forming , I decided to go all "Mode" and moved to a synth - the classic Casio CZ-101 to start me off. Played keyboards in a couple of local bands, never really got anywhere of course, which is why I do IT for a living! Carried on with various keyboards for years, and still have a "soft synth" midi set-up based around an M-Audio M-box, Reason and Pro-Tools.

In the meantime, bought another guitar about 8 years ago (Cort G250) and a Zoom 707 effects box, and still give it a good thrash now and then.

I always fancies the sax, though. Never too old to learn, I guess, but finding the time is the problem.

The Grand Wazoo
24-03-2011, 23:09
Problem was, everyone else played the guitar

The moral of the story?
Learn to play the bass - you'll never have a problem getting a gig!

24-03-2011, 23:30
The moral of the story?
Learn to play the bass - you'll never have a problem getting a gig!

Nope - I should have stuck at the violin, joined The Corrs and ran off with Andrea! :lol:

Though knowing my luck it would have been The Pogues and Shane MacGowan! :D

27-03-2011, 09:03
Just bought this,Larrivee OM-05.$2600 RSP, got a great deal, from Kennys in Edinburgh.

28-03-2011, 16:39
Just bought this,Larrivee OM-05.$2600 RSP, got a great deal, from Kennys in Edinburgh.

That guitar plays itself. They had one on the Boxing Week sale in my local guitar shop for $1,600, but I already blew my Christmas budget by that time. I'm still kicking myself for not selling my left lung for $1,600, that was one of the nicest guitars I've ever touched!

28-03-2011, 16:54
Been playing the Clarinet since the age of 6, been doing it professionally for the last 27 years and for 21 years was Principal Clarinettist with the Central Band of the RAF. Until recently (when we moved away from London) I was doing a fair bit of freelance, work for the BBC, a couple of West End shows (hate doing shows though), recording sessions at various London studios including Angel, CTS (before they knocked it down!) and most recently Air Studios. Most recording work has been doing stuff for TV; soundtracks etc.

Instruments I have are a pair of Buffet RC Clarinets (B flat and A which I've owned for over 20 years), LeBlanc Opus E Flat Clarinet, Buffet R13 Prestige B Flat CLt, and a Buffet S1 Alto Saxophone.

Also play the piano (although nowhere near the same standard), got my Grade 8 just before joining the 'mob'. Also used to play the Tuba - virtually self-taught and managed to scrape Grade 7 when I was 18. Who knows I may even take it up again some time in the futures - it's just great fun. :)

Doing a bit of conducting these days, since attaining a Royal College of Music diploma in directorship and this is what I hope to carry on with in a year or so when I become a civvy. :)

28-03-2011, 16:57
Respect, dude! :youtheman:


28-03-2011, 19:09
I play guitar, mandolin and fiddle - have a Stefan Sobell guitar, a 1920 Gibson A3 mandolin and an 1830 Panormo School violin, with a pre-war Hill bow. I spend rather more time playing than listening to the hi fi unless you count radio4 during the day in my workshop...

28-03-2011, 20:22
Played clarinet for five years, not to the same standard as gromit, but I loved it so much.