View Full Version : 2 Kimber PBJ's same but different!

09-03-2011, 19:11
Yesterday I plugged in my RA Yellow mains cable having bought an IEC to fig 8 converter plug into my Sonos. Due to mains cable length I swapped my cd player over with the Sonos and just used the Kimber PBJs already run. I have one 0.5m with nickel plugs and a 1m with Ultraplate phones. Turning the whole lot on the former is brighter and more prone to siblilance and bass is a tad lighter as well. To say I am surprised at the difference is an understatement. Must be the plugs surely which again I never realised had such an influence.

eventually I intend replacing with Marks G100 as the Kimbers are not shielded which given the amount of wires around the rear of my kit and the fact they are plugged into a wireless box must surely also have an influence as well.

Rare Bird
09-03-2011, 20:55
Ultra plates don't look much but are very very good plugs..

''prone to siblilance'' is not in the nature of that cable.

09-03-2011, 21:18
Reading cable threads on AOS makes me think its the plugs that make a difference more than the wierd stuff like copper purity and geometry or whatever.

10-03-2011, 11:40
How much of an improvement would the MG G1000's be over the PBJ's. The latter are not shielded which i cant help but think is not ideal when used with an av setup with a pile of wires and even more so plugged into a wifi box.

Rare Bird
10-03-2011, 12:02
Yeh best thing to do is get rid of the PSBJ, send em to me :eyebrows:

10-03-2011, 12:20
Aye right :lol:

Must show your picture to my wife...she thinks my setup is wire city yours takes the proverbial...