View Full Version : Introducing myself

04-03-2011, 10:26
Hi all,
Been reading with interest for a while and thought I'd join in the fun.
I was into audio in a small way when I was at university and within my limited budget I probably bought the 'right' things at the time ( musical fidelity B1, marantz CD60SE, Rega Planar 3, and some KEF somethings... )
Fast forward 20 years... I find myself with the career and family thing well under way, BUT I also started working from home and me and the cat thought it a good idea to set up all the old kit in my office... trouble is it was all starting to get a bit temperamental.

Time for some upgrades we thought - trouble is I am hampered by being extremely tight-fisted and never happier that when I am getting a 'bargain'.
Set about sourcing some 'new' kit on eBay ( yes - I know it's a bit of a mixed bag, but I've been careful to always bide my time, any buy only absolutely 'mint' condition items, and not get emotional ! ).

First purchase was a late model Audiolab 8000A -and OMG!! what a revelation
- from that point on I was hooked again.

Current system ( all 'mint' and all off eBay ) is:
Marantz CD 63 mk2 KI Signature
Audiolab 8000C pre-amp
Audiolab 8000P
Monitor Audio Silver S1's
Altas Hyper 3.0 cables
Chord Cobra Plus interconnects

Total outlay £679 ( so far ).

I am absolutely over the moon with it - but starting to worry about where it will end !! I'm always thinking about the next upgrade... I kind of think this is going to get expensive !

My musical tastes are varied:
From Steely Dan and Rickie Lee Jones, through to Prefab Sprout, Seal, EBTG and on to Chill/Drum and Bass : Rae & Christian, Kosheen etc...

The cat only really objects to Steely Dan, but then she's too young to appreciate it ( and slightly deaf ).


04-03-2011, 10:39
Hi Peter.

Nothing wrong with being a bit careful with money is my view.
A fool and his money etc.
Anyway, welcome to the asylum.

(Cant work out why I’m always skint coz I’m as tight as they come :scratch:)

Oh by the way, do you have a Landrover? (td5)

04-03-2011, 11:01
Welcome Peter, I'm sure you'll find this forum very helpful and interesting.

You dont list anything relating to the main cable side of things in your setup so when your ready for a tweek my first suggestion would be a Markgrant IEC (http://markgrantcables.co.uk/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=45_18&products_id=69&zenid=507lgj7vsi07kn251sucqoq2g2)cable into your KI.

04-03-2011, 11:31
Oh by the way, do you have a Landrover? (td5)

Yes - your instincts serve you well. Another passion is my Defender 90 Td5.

Spectral Morn
04-03-2011, 15:12
Welcome to AOS Peter

Regards D S D L

04-03-2011, 15:25
Welcome, Pete. Nicely constructed system from ebay there, well done!

04-03-2011, 17:44
Hello Pete and welcome, upgrade-itus is a nasty afliction and leads to a slippery slope and empty pockets as quite a few of us know around here, there's a couple of us Landrover types around here as well

Reid Malenfant
04-03-2011, 17:47
Hi Pete, welcome to the forum :) I hope you enjoy your stay with us ;)

04-03-2011, 21:35
Hi Pete, welcome from me too - another hifi and Landy nut (Maggie a 1991 110 200TDi is my toy.)

Enjoy the forum!