View Full Version : Newbe - Regarding 4562 mod clarification

01-03-2011, 23:55
Hi Guys,

May I first say that this is a fantastic forum and have spent many hours pouring over the threads; particularly the DIY section on Beresford 7520 mods.
I not electronics aware but can confidently use a soldering iron.
I have a Audiolab 8000CD, 8000S Amp and a squeezebox 3 feeding Mission 753F speakers with homemade braided CAT6 cable.
I am at the moment bi-passing the preamp section of the 8000S and plugging the 7520 directly to the the power amp.Therefore I have to use the pre-amp/variable outputs as I need a volume control for output from the CD.
My Question is :-
Regarding the caps MLC5/6 and Stan's comment in his picture on his site of the 4562 mod which states "MLC5 and MLC6 ceramics are worth removing if using LM4562 for FIXED output. Do these caps need removing for variable output ?
What would be the effect of leaving them in place for fixed output or variable output ?
Lastly; I'm sorry for going on a bit; how easy is to remove the caps ( i.e. how is the board fixed ) With a view to getting to the underside to desolder or is it possible to cut the legs, leaving something to solder to, should you need to replace them.
Ideally what I'm trying to do is tidy up the bass from my speakers as It can be a bit OTT with some sorts of music.
Your advice on this matter would be really appreciated

02-03-2011, 09:18
Hi Tony,

Removing the caps should give same results from the variable output as the fixed.

The easiest way is cutting one side of the ceramic caps leg and lifting it up so its no longer in circuit. If your careful you can cut in the middle of the leg and gently solder back together if you don't like the results . Just be very careful and take your time.

I'd personally take the audioboard pcb out and desolder the caps, its do able if you take your time, the little board is usually stuck onto the jack socket with those double sided sticky pads.
Be very careful not to fracture the pins or sockets connecting the audioboard to the font board. If in any doubts , leave well alone ;)

02-03-2011, 18:09
Hi Leo.
Thanks for the response. Really appreciated.
If this is mod you've done yourself; what should I expect sound-wise ?

02-03-2011, 18:45
An audio signal?

02-03-2011, 18:47
An audio signal?

"You can always get the best advice on AOS!!!" :lolsign: