View Full Version : The Show Reel

Pages : 1 [2]

  1. Tape swap
  2. Another BR20
  3. Two come allong at once
  4. Two come allong at once
  5. 4.5K and it has a fault
  6. STUDER Revox Reference Rack System
  7. Otari MX55n
  8. Revox A77 in Bath
  9. Look out lads the Boss :-
  10. Yet another BR20
  11. A beast of a R2R system on eBay
  12. Rising prices for studio quality R2R machines
  13. Omega Auctions
  14. If you have a spare 7K
  15. Museum of magnetic sound recording in Austin Texas
  16. Ferrograph Series 7
  17. Wow look at this beast
  18. Interesting tape video
  19. Akai Mechanical Service Grease ??
  20. Mitsubishi-X-86HS
  21. Value of an Akai 4000DS.
  22. Gulp !!
  23. Another day dreamer £5K Doh !
  24. Ballfinger - New R2R available from May - If you need to ask the price...
  25. Tape ID from Leader
  26. Setting up a R2R tape deck - Repro (playback) line up
  27. Technics RS 1800
  28. The Last Cassette Factory
  29. Studer A810 Pre Amp mods
  30. New Deck
  31. Yum this looks lovely
  32. Would you buy this ?
  33. A trip down memory lane
  34. Allready at 5K
  35. Al ;)
  36. Casstte drive belt selection pack.
  37. Metaxas portable new R2R player
  38. Tonights listening
  39. Rollin' the reels once more
  40. XLR to RCA cables - info needed
  41. Akai 4000DS value
  42. I wanted on of these for ages
  43. Reel to reel on Youtube
  44. OMG !!!!!!!
  45. Possible Studer A812 (located in UK) available on Tapeheads
  46. It's landed
  47. Who is the AoS member asking for vinyage/used HiFi for repair please ?
  48. Tape thickness
  49. Serious money
  50. Wouldn't this be better split?
  51. Where to buy PDP 65?
  52. Site may be of interest R2R
  53. Not much happening ?
  54. R2R Problem? Not always what you think........
  55. Very strange ?
  56. Another basket case
  57. Recording the masters
  58. Revox Replacement Lamp ?
  59. Studer A810 beat up but still worth a punt
  60. Mint Revox B77
  61. Cleaning exterior of a Revox B77
  62. Good God , How much !!!!!!!!!!!
  63. 1980s Top 40 nostalgia....
  64. Stunned
  65. Tascam BR20 on E-Bay
  66. OTARI MTR10 Relisted on Ebay
  67. Listening Tonight - MTR12 - George Michael
  68. Analogue tape versus vinyl
  69. Studer A80
  70. What was your reel-to-reel history?
  71. Scratching your R to R.
  72. Just Won a Revox PR99 Mk3
  73. Schaub Lorenz state of the art music centre with built in tape recorder
  74. MTR12 by night
  75. Really ?????
  76. A77 incoming
  77. The pain !!!!
  78. Wireless remote for Teac x1000R
  79. Monitoring ?
  80. Help required R2R type
  81. Revox A77 rebuild
  82. Is this a misprint ????????
  83. Tascam BR20 cheap as chips
  84. Tascam BR20 2k and well shot
  85. R2R - Newbie recommendations
  86. I was at work and outbid !!
  87. Calibration for newbies from Tapeheads
  88. Yet another B77 sorted
  89. Akai 4000DB in the dark
  90. Wanted
  91. Tape recommendations
  92. 7 1/2 / 15 / 30 ips ?
  93. Dragon anyone ?
  94. Nice Tascam BR20
  95. Technics RS1500 a sad day for me
  96. Looks like someone's been skip hunting........
  97. Nagra T Desk
  98. New Sepea Stabiliser card for the Studer A80 - Review
  99. Another Revox PR99 mk3
  100. A long held desire for a reel-to-reel, but...
  101. Tape recommendations for a Revox PR99 mk2.
  102. Jazz master tape copies
  103. Studer A810 playing David Bowie
  104. Teac service.