View Full Version : Strokes of Genius
- Removing Unused Preamp Connections
- Discoveries . . hell yeah!
- Gromit's bake-off-o-matic sun 16th March
- Review: ProAc Future Point Five speakers
- Damping blocks
- CeriTech Audio Open Day in deepest Gloucestershire
- Nickfest
- Denon HA-500 MC Head Amplifier
- ASC PicturePanels
- Aurios bearings
- Get ears cleaned out
- out with the old tonearm...
- Black Mamba Speaker Cables
- Frequency Response Graph
- Horning Zeus speakers
- Cork & Vinyl Platter Mat.
- Rega coloured mat
- AOS Exclusive Review of Eco-Fan Sound Pre-Amp and Power Amp
- Verus Vs Rim Drive
- Fatman iTube
- A Digital Overview
- Exclusive aos preview of the ecofan boost it and buffer zone valve products
- Quadraspire QX7's -a revelation
- AoS World Exclusive Review of Ecofan Sound Buffer Zone and Boost It
- Audio Origami PU7 12 inch arm review.
- Trans Fi Terminator
- The unbelievable happened today.....
- Quadraspire eat your heart out
- More Ringmat The HD Feet and ST Foot, once more into the Twilight Zone
- Exclusive - some 'proper' Philips speakers
- Microfibre cloths and washing up liquid are the business!
- The AMR CD 77...A Multi-Bit TDA 1541 comparison
- World Design Pre2 pre-amp - Review / Blog
- Cheap? Yes. Good...? (mains conditioner)
- Polishing CD's
- The Turntable's Choice Phono Stage from Einstein Audio
- Ferrite clamps - good or bad?
- The Ringmat Record Support System.
- Denon DL103c vs. EMT XSD15
- A little stand mod
- A short history of early Ortofon pickups
- Cardas Sweep record
- The Dance Has Begun, Lets Usher In a New Era
- The New Era Has Been Ushered In - Review Of Usher 8571 Be II
- Nottingham Analogue Interspace Turntable & Arm - Review & blog
- Playing with Earth
- The Stables Re-Built, Well Bits of it Anyway
- TD150 Converts Vinyl Sufferer
- A Flock of Tuners....
- Step Up to the Plate - Bent Audio Mu
- Wow ! That's a big one......
- Audiocom Naim CDX
- Leak Troughline Stereo vs. Quad FM3. First impressions
- Must have accessories
- Tangent CDP-50 vs Marantz CD-52
- The Ecofan Sound Triode 2000 amplifiers and John Blue JB4 mk2 speakers.
- Infinity Reference Standard 2.5 speakers
- Bob Brines FT-1600 Mk2 Speakers
- Green Home Electronics - Black Mamba Speaker Cables
- Musical Fidelity V-DAC Vs. Beresford TC-7510 Mk6/latest
- Thoughts on Stanton 681EEE
- The Miracle Dream-The Reimyo CDT-777 Transport and DAP-999 EX DAC.
- Croft Micro Basic 25 Valve Pre Amp
- Fantastic free CD / LP tweak!
- Changes To The Donkey Stable System
- Review: Stream live audio Mac to Mac or iPhone
- Gel wrist rests as isolation pads
- Stainless Spikes
- Meridian G Series Components.
- Wee tweak - dont worked!
- Chord CPM2600 integrated amp - Review & Blog
- Head to head: Sony CDP-XB920E Vs CDP-XB920E modified
- Croft re-valve...
- Croft pre/power amplifier latest
- Cardas Record
- Mark Grant mains leads
- chord signature jumpers
- The Icing on my hifi cake - the final tweaks to my system
- Analogue Factory Denon 103 mc cartridge
- POLK SDA 1C Speakers - Short Review
- Sorbothane
- Sterling Black Mamba speaker cable review
- Rothwell Attenuators
- The Soundstage: Home vs. Studio Control Room
- Let's hear it (again) for Sir Mark of Grant!
- Tacima RFI power lead
- Jericho Horns
- Including speaker leads into feedback loop
- Croft pre/power latest
- Leak Troughline III tuner mystery partly resolved
- Bass quantity, or quality?
- Mark at Audio Emotion - What a very nice chap he is.
- MBL 116F Elegance Radialstrahler speakers - Review & Blog
- My initial impressions of the F-117 Nighthawk phono stage
- novel tone controls
- Cheap as chips headphone amp
- Listening test on four RCA terminated interconnects
- Sonic Impact T-Amp
- Chameleon 1400S power amplifier
- My lovely new valves
- MF X10-D Refurb...
- Keep them soundhifi/herbies mats clean!
- From the far side...
- Cheap 10 AWG Speaker Cable
- Whest PS.30RDT 'Special Edition'
- L'Atelier de l'Audiophile, Montpellier, France
- DL103SA VS. SL1200: How I won the battle and lived happy (for a while)
- DECCAz ROOL!!!!!
- Being reminded once again of the Decca ‘magic’
- PS Audio Power Plant Premier
- A Legendary Classic; the DENON DCD-1500 CD Player
- ELAC "MIRACORD 46" 78/45/33 1/3 speed Stereo Turntable; fully hand-restored/modified
- Earthing speaker drivers.
- New Mark Grant Interconnects (G1500HD and G2000HD)
- Quad 303 - Interesting mod :scratch:
- QED Digit Opto + Positron vs Beresford 7510
- Lentek Head Amp - Naked!
- Tube rolling a Croft 25R - unexpected result
- They're back!!!!!!!!!
- "Liquid Bearings" V.S. PETROL based lubricants
- Isopropanol
- Review of Nick G's phono stage
- Screwing in the spikes
- Goldenjacks Attenuators
- Nick G modified Lentek Head Amp
- Hardly a stroke of genius but...
- Using EMT cartridges in non-EMT arms
- Nagra loses its shine
- Moved a speaker less than 1 meter ...
- "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something Blue"
- The Dynavector DV507-II Pickup Arm
- 45 rpm adapters
- Trans-Fi Salvation World Premier Review
- Celestion F15 Loudspeakers
- Having fun with amps
- The Dynavector DV20X2L Moving Coil Cartridge
- Speed up your boot time
- Schumann Synchroniser - an interesting tweak
- Vinyl Record Cleaning Liquid
- Vinyl Revirginizer
- foam have or have not .
- How to listen .........
- Densen DeMagic CD demagnetizer
- Harbeth Super HL5's & Radford STA25 Renaissance Review
- ALO Panda Mini-Monitor Review
- Valves, I think I'm starting to understand what the fuss is about.
- Western Electric 119C Repeating transformers
- after the lord mayors show ! or should I say scalford
- CR Developments Romulus valve integrated amp
- Vinyl Nirvana
- AT33PTG Fixing Bolts
- Happy Feet (my best cheap tweak)
- Now I Have a Record Cleaning Machine. Ho Ho Ho!
- Nottingham calling .......
- Black Jack Equipment Supports
- Belkin PF40
- NJC Audio Monitor II Headphone Amp
- Tweaking the TDL RTL3
- Dayton ISO-4G Gold Isolation Cones
- Silly Season Advice or Tweaks... (Pats of Daftness)
- Nordost Eco 3 Anti-static
- Shelter 501-II Cartridge
- Wood is our Friend
- Winsome lossome ?
- Isolation platforms
- Tannoy .... JOY ....
- Tacima CS929 6 Way Mains Filtering Block
- Strongest placebo ever
- CD Mats
- Dali Ikon 1 mini review
- Making the Denon DL-103SA Sing!!!
- Shelter 5000 Cartridge
- Choir Audio / Hashimoto SUT-H7 Moving Coil Step-Up Transformer
- Yaqin Valve amp hum
- Granite slabs cheap...
- Mo' crystals
- Never mind crystals, try Cillit Bang
- Teflon tape
- Wazoo's Klub-Feet
- Just a few changes.....
- Croft Micro 25 and Power 7 upgrades
- Review - Devialet D-Premier v TRON Meteor/Voyager valve amps
- The Quad II
- My first SET amp
- Review: Angle Audio phono stage
- Celestion Ditton 15XR's
- Mains Cables R Us linear PSU for SB-Touch: A+
- A few tweaks = Happy Customer
- Mains Cables R Us No14 Mains Cable
- Splendidly magnificent - Mark Grant G2000HD WBT Cu Interconnects
- I Totally Lucked Out!
- Diffraction and its effects . .
- Imagination?
- Gold record clamp
- Lid Scratches
- Struck by jumpers!
- Belkin Pure AV Socket Outlet
- Denon Modified 103r by Dom
- Tube roling with my WAD's
- Isolation pads
- Second system/T-Amp
- Attenuators
- Mastick as an insulator
- The PS Audio Regenerator Thread
- Spikes/isolation
- VP Dust Buster stylus cleaner
- Mark Grant G1500HD Precision audio cable Precision audio cable
- Love my new Sorbothane feet!
- Oyaide 2075 phono cable
- RDC cones
- Audioquest noise stoppers
- Clip on ferrite clamps
- System update - Croft 7R and Nick Gorham crossovers
- New heights of insanity
- Cables and radiators
- Croft Series 7 (with Hoges E80CC)
- DIY VTA Adjuster for older Rega Arms
- Walker Audio Extreme Treatment
- The BBE maximizer
- Review: Epiphany Acoustics 'Atratus' interconnect cable
- Anti Platter Resonance Internally Located Ferrite Opposing O-ring Locknut
- The cheapest most fantastic record cleaning brush
- TASCAM DV-RA1000HD - An Analog Lover's Perspective
- Tilting speakers backwards
- Multiple Speaker Stack
- Levelling a Sprung System Rack
- Mark Grant Cables - A Tale of Four Connectors!
- Tellurium
- Speaker setup in a 'square' room
- Tellurium Blue Speaker Cable
- My Mini-T experience.
- TAD CR-1 speakers
- Fed up with dodgy sounding digital interconnects?
- Stillpoints LPI Record Weight
- Garrard 401 Bearing
- Black Rhodium Twist Speaker Cable
- Beresford Bushmaster - REGA DAC compared
- Speaker grilles
- A Tale of T-Amps
- Mark Grant "Best of Two Worlds Solution" linear PSU for the Bushmaster DAC
- Mains Cable R Us LDA power Supply for Bushmaster
- Headphone Test - Virtual Haircut by Luigi - will make you grin :)
- TT cover
- My new music server.
- Genalex valves
- M2Tech Evo DAC
- Mogami 2972 speaker cable
- ibra
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