- Diffraction elimination
- The purpose of a cable.
- Naim's new power lead - addressing the controversy
- Mana
- TCI - True Colours Industries
- Do 'boutique' cables make a difference?
- Torlyte
- Quadraspire Reference tables
- Stand experimentation
- Supra Lo Rad Mains Flex power cords
- 'Front end first' - yes, but make sure you go right to the very front...
- Naim audio cable question
- Shakti Stones. Please Don't Flame Me - I'm Only Sensitive!
- cables: home grown v machined
- valves and magnets, how close is too close?
- Aerials !!
- (Naim) Signal only 4pin to 4pin Snaic
- Dirty mains and phono stages
- And Zebedee said!
- Cable length
- Interesting site for valve info
- Grover Huffman website
- Mullard is reborn!
- Do cables break in?
- GEC KT88s
- MusicWorks' ReVo: first outing
- Anybody fancy trying a speaker cable experiment?
- Valve Bias Play Time
- The State of Vacuum Tubes for the 21st Century
- STAX headphones - is this a sensible upgrade?
- Search for the 'ultimate' 12AX7/ECC83 valves
- Valves v. Transistors.
- Yaqin valve amps
- Bonce cans
- Decisions decisions
- Cryo Treatment
- Difference 300B / KT88 ?
- "Tube Dampers for 12AX7/12AU7/EL84"
- Mains plug splitter?
- 6550 valves - longevity?
- I need some new stands
- Headphone amps
- Pre-amp/headphone amp...Questions
- If ........
- 2nd system suggestions....
- TAC 834 Valve amplifier
- Interconnects touching the wall ??
- An amazing trick with transformers
- nad 3020 speaker cable
- Wall-mounting my hi-fi
- NVA super sound pipes
- NVA LS5 Speaker Cables
- Identifying mystery cable
- Speaker cable advice
- Do you really need 'audiophile' mains leads?
- NVA ls1 cable is rather good
- Speaker cable length ?????
- which rack for a gyrodec ??
- Good cable makes?
- headphone amp???
- E288C Valve
- Speaker Stands Advice Required Please.
- Does the quality of a Fuse effect the sound ?
- Power Lead/Wiring Advice Please.
- TC-7520 - what kind of cable for S/PDIF via electrical coax?
- Camac/Fischer Connectors. (Was Mark Levinson mad?)
- Setting the Bias on a valve amplifier...
- Quadraspire QX7
- Interesting (or just plain weird) Valves
- Speaker Stand Ballast - Advice Please.
- Which headphones?
- Interconnect Advice Please.
- Urgent headphone help!!
- Silver Interconnects
- AKG K340
- Speaker Positioning Advice Please.
- Good quality earphones with mic for handsfree??
- 300b valves
- Headphone advice
- Beresford TC-7520 Amp vs. Various Amps
- Speaker cables-copper and silver
- Sub-Woofer Advice Please
- Sound Good?
- Shotgun Vs Single runs
- Which 6SN7 ???
- 6Z4 valve help needed
- Jumper Leads-some advice please
- Head Amp
- Is this the sexiest/properly designed equipment support out there?
- Suggestions for decent CHEAP interconnects.
- TDK D180??!
- Mike Homar's Digital Cable
- Headphone info. please.
- Speaker Jumper Cables
- (Cheap) Mains Conditioner
- Loudspeaker Cable
- Portable Headphone Amp
- Mike Homar's Analogue Cable
- Cable ?
- Best headphones with 7520 or Caiman
- Opinions? about BK Electronics Monolith Subs
- Cabling, Timing and other factors in System Building.
- Russ Andrews Balanced mains Transformer - any experience?
- Budget analogue interconnect
- Decent interconnect cable?
- Speaker Supports.
- Calling all digital cable experts - SPDIF termination question
- Good budget phono cables
- Travel closed middle range Headphones
- Mullards
- Tube brands
- How can it be justifiable?
- headphone amps..
- Entry level cable group test - AOS event 31-10-2009
- sony mdr-ex500lp earbud
- New Mark Grant G1000HD Precision cables
- Speaker stand stability issue- advice please!
- Optical cable problem..
- Speaker cable length
- IEC Leads, Mains conditioning, and interconnects for my new system
- Granite
- Universal Remote - All For One
- How do you know when your tubes are going home?
- Clipsal
- Help?
- 3-PIN plug redesigned - thoughts?
- vertex jeya
- Caiman with - AKG K701 or ??
- Headphone Upgrade
- Hifi furniture help please
- Rothwell atenuator's - a quick fix?
- Do headphones need running in?
- Old School Dalek!
- Sennheiser 456
- Are these the best 6SL7s ever?
- Cleaning valve pins; suggestions?
- Radio aeriel questions
- Behringer 'Ultrafex T1954'
- Graphic Equalizers
- Sequel to pin clean: am I biassed against duff valves?
- Audiofoolery at the Skeptic Society
- Graphic Equalizers and Ethos
- Equipment levelling
- Soundstage and headphones.
- Hifi mains leccy questions
- How can you tell if a valve is going down?
- Buying again: headphones<£100 this time :)
- Hi-Fi power supply improvements.
- Just to prove eBay sometimes comes up trumps...
- Do valves burn in?
- Kt 88 Recomendations
- My mains has been Marco'd!
- Goldring ns 1000
- coaxial digital cable :what to buy?
- Audioworks cables
- Sensai Homars' Digital Cable
- Big thick chunky speaker cables?
- Bloody Cable Differences....... GRRRRRR!!
- Contemplating Chord speaker cable upgrade
- Interconnect advice please !
- KT66 If not NOS GEC then which ones?
- Re-Evaluation.
- Mark Grant XLR Canare L4E6S Star Quad Balanced Cable
- LAT cable statement
- HD681’s – Headphone bargain of the century?
- What Quality 8 way distribution block
- Mains treatments
- Mains Regeneration
- Audioworks Revive Mains cables
- Why I've decided I really like a decent set of headphones.
- More practical speaker cable?
- Are all digital ic created equal ?
- 5 way binding posts. What's all that about?
- USB cables can sound different?
- The really Bestest cables in the universe!
- AKG K501 + Stan's TC-7520 = ?????
- New speakers coming, which speaker cables ?
- Isolating digital equipment etc (Mains Power).
- There fired up !
- Making your Own Valves
- Mark Grant G1000HD digital coax cable
- Back to speaker cable
- Tube Rolling on the Mr Liang 845
- Stan's new speaker switch (TC-7220) ?
- Jelco 501/502 TonearmCable
- Anyone here using Mye Sound stands?
- Calling All Mullard Experts
- For Andre.....
- Ron Smith Aerials.
- Grado SR-80
- Identifying old QED interconnects
- the Superex professional ST-PRO-B mods
- Idiot Question
- New Ringmat tonearm cable
- Help with 6922 Valves
- Cable 'Burn In'.
- For those who have asked me.
- new interconnect
- Balanced Connections
- Help with Headphones......
- The Case of PRAT & the Cooker
- Microphony
- Room absorbers..anyone ever tried?
- Superex Pro B Headphones Questions
- Experiments with Rubber, Wood and Glass
- The National Valve Museum
- Headphone Amp
- Stand for tube amp
- Mark Grant G1500HD worth the extra £££££
- Which Headphones?
- Mark Grant G1000HD Audio Cable £65
- BREAKING NEWS: Shynyata Research discovers... Ohm's Law!
- Mark Grant G720 HDMI cable
- Speaker cable recommendations - Type of cable and where to buy.
- Deltec DPA IS19 speaker cable
- spdif cable question for digital numpty
- New mains block
- Belkin PF-40 Mains Conditioner
- I'm in the Market for a Decent Pair of Headphones
- Belkin PureAv-30 vs Tacima mains block
- Just a recommendation
- Valve burn in...fact or fiction
- Rectifier Tubes
- Dedicated mains spur - screening?
- The Best 6SL7-type tubes ever made? An Update...
- 600ohm Headphones on a Caiman
- Shorter speaker stands?
- Recommended headphones for under £50
- Mains conditioners - worth it or not?
- Truly amazed
- Naim CDS2 and interconnect cables
- Tube Heaven: The great Telefunken 803S and Tesla E83CC
- Wallstreet Totem wall rack
- Audiophile Mains Fuses - Boon or Boooom(!)?
- New Marshall Headphones
- headphone amplifier question
- Best Interconnects advice needed .. !!
- Russ andrew Yellow 4 way need 6 way
- New digital coax cable
- The Hallograph Soundfield Optimizer
- Mark Grant Cable review in Hi-fi World
- Headphone amp..Still looking!
- What to look for in headphones?
- Nordost spm reference cable
- Speaker spikes
- RCA, Precision or Design
- Alternative to Speaker Spikes for Wood Floors
- ceramic tiles
- The Artistry Of Tubes...