View Full Version : Idle Vice
- Garrard Loricraft Power Supply
- Platter damping O-Rings Garrard
- Search: Garrard 401 idler wheel
- Garrard 401
- OMG - I want, I want!
- Steve's first Lenco
- Garrard 401 Restoration
- Which one to choose Garrard 301 or 401???
- Designing the Garrard 401 - link
- Garrard 301 Plinth
- Garrard '401's & stuff
- Regular - yet irregular - thump from Garrard 301
- Garrard 301 questions
- Goldring G99... Any good?
- Lenco GL78 Restoration
- Next Lenco Project
- I want a Garrard but this is a bit much!
- Garrard 401 | SME 309
- Great site for anyone who loves TD-124s!
- Garrard 401/Jelco 750D/AT95HE - Heaven!!!
- Garrard 401
- New Garrard forum
- Michell technoarm or Garrard 3009 on a Garrard 301
- Garrard 301 chasis
- PL71 arm on the 401 at last...
- Lenco turntables - worth a go for a fit&forget audiophile?
- Lenco GL75 run in
- Idler Drive
- Garrard 301 restoration project
- Garrard 301 - Rotor Spindle Assembly
- WANTED! Garrard 301 Speed Adjuster Knob
- What oil for Garrard 401 main bearing
- 301 wiring?
- Garrard 301 - Cleaning the Chasis!
- Garrard 301 - Thrust Pad
- Thorens TD124
- Thorens TD124 Motor mount grommets and mushrooms
- Garrard 301 - Whats the best method of Rivotting ?
- Garrard 301 - Sprinds this time!
- For all Thorens TD-124 and vintage Ortofon SPU/tonearm fans
- PTP Idler Drive Turntables
- My new restored Garrard 401
- Lenco GL59 restoration
- Garrard 401 Phono Stage
- EMT Audio "porn"
- Goldring/Lenco 'GL75' mods..
- Idler Turntable sub forum
- Restored TD-124 Rig!
- TD 124 bubble
- Shouldn't this thread belong here ?
- Post your Idler pictures here
- Title for new Idler sub-forum
- Replacement GL Idler Wheel availability
- Goldring/Lenco Templates wanted
- Goldring/Lenco stacked platter options
- The ultimate Lenco GL75
- PTP Audio
- Byer T-19 transcription turntable
- PTP plate wins Audio blue moon award.
- Has anyone ever partnered the Audio Origami PU7...
- Art Dudley and the Rek-O-Kut Rondine Jr
- TD 124
- Advice on a cheap plinth for a Lenco.
- Garrard motor partial service
- Broadcast TT alert - McCurdy MC-16
- Lenco DIY project
- Supplier for Garrard Turntable Spares
- Lenco GL75 spare parts
- Cleaning up the neighbours Lenco GL75
- idler wheels
- So what's in here then?
- A 20 year, or 3,500 mile service of my Thorens 124/II turntable
- Thing's GL75 Project
- Slate or Granite for the 301?
- Garrard Lab 80
- Large and ludicrous Australian turntables
- 301 / 401 templates ?
- Lenco GL72 - is 50 quid too much?
- Lenco versus Technics
- Replacement bearings for the Garrard 301
- Beag gl 911 sl
- Which is the best Lenco turntable and why?
- A finished project and a big thank you.
- Just bought a Lenco GL75
- Vintage RCA idler drive
- My Thorens TD124 MKII - A few pics
- Garrard 301 dimensions
- Interesting olde magazine article, Thorens, Garrard,
- Shiny platter porn
- Thorens TD-124
- Thorens TD-124 motor mounts
- 401
- Vinyl. At Last.
- Lenco - To brake or not to brake that is the question......
- Garrard 301 - finished at last
- What's your next idler going to be?
- 401 Plinth
- Granite plinth or birchply + SUT or how to save some money.
- TIPS needed to dampen a Garrard 301
- Isonoe feet on a birch ply plinth?
- Recommend me an alternative MC cartridge for a SME3012 and a Garrard 301
- (My) Artisan Fidelity Garrard 401
- Look what I've got . . still can't quite believe it!
- Garrard 401 restoration project.
- Garrard 401 on/off switch
- Ffs - my 301's spark supressor needs fixing - help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Help! I've just bought a Garrard 401!
- WANTED - EXTERNAL PSU FOR 301 or help getting someone to make me one...
- Field-coil TSD15 & RCA 73B lathe turntable
- Garrard 301 control lever washers
- Garrard 301 anyone?
- New idler prototype
- Lenco Project - Phase One
- Original Goldring Lenco GL75
- Some of my Lencos
- A few more Lencos
- Ad finitum...
- Martin Bastin - Contact Details
- Garrard 401 touching up paint
- Goldring Lenco GL75
- Garrard '401' Plinths
- Feet for a 301 Birch ply plinth
- New toy... Uber Lenco
- LONG SHOT! Any idea of how to modify a birch ply plinth to house a decoupled motor?
- Garrard 301.... some advice needed, please
- How do you lot Earth your Garrard 301/401?
- Are you on the level? More Bank Holiday tinkering!
- 'Swiss Precision' - the story of the Thorens 124 turntable
- Idler Pron
- Sintered cone bearing for 401 (what, more bearings?)
- Calling all NWA 301 bearing owners
- Idlers - The Good, Bad & Ugly
- Inspire Enigma(Lenco) comparisons with LP12
- Noisy crackly and god damn hot Lenco GL75 motor????
- Nostalgia over common sense :)
- A cool Garrard 301 PSU
- A new Garrard 301 PSU thread - VERSION 2
- Lenco GL75 cartridge
- To Garrard 301/401 or Thorens TD124mk 2, that is the question ?
- Idler Convert
- Audiosilente for Idler turntable parts/ upgrade & Blackstone idler drive
- Lenco GL75
- External PSUs and optimal voltage for 301's
- Potential new PSU for Garrard 301 - opinions wanted PLEASE!
- Garrard 401 Plinth.
- It Begins!! GL75
- Floating armboard
- Garrard 401 Advice and opinions please!
- My Thorens TD 124 Mk1 - restoration project
- Garrard 401 Help??
- 301 EMG project
- 401 Kokomo bearing
- RCA plugs and phono cable for Lenco
- LENCO - GL75 Project
- Burgdorf vice
- Lenco motor question
- Back to the future .
- New (Old) Tonearm
- Garrard 301 pulley... need to buy a new one... but which one? HELP!
- NOS Garrard 401
- Help with Garrard 401 Power Supply
- Enigma turntable
- Brian's Lenco headshell.
- Thorens TD124 - Radio Caroline footage
- New book - The Garrard Story
- Desmo V blocks for GL75 arm. Fantastic upgrade.
- Thorens TD-124 Idler Wheel Refurbishment
- Garrard 401 Transit Screws
- Technics turntabe
- Garrard 401 eddy wheel advice
- List of my Lenco mods
- New Lenco and Photobucket is being a bucket of poo
- Which cartridge for my fettled Lenco GL-75
- Garrard 601 anyone got one
- GL75 tonearm and bearing mods.
- Kicked into touch
- Can an idler-wheel TT beat my Roksan Xerxes? is a Garrard or a Lenco up to it?
- Need Advice- Artisan Fidelity Lenco 75 or AF Garrad 301 statement??
- td 124 issues
- Lenco #2, plinth comparisons, plans etc.
- Goldring G99 - A Resto too far 8-<>
- Thorens TD124 arm board
- TD124 arm upgrades
- Goldring Lenco GL75 virgin.
- Oil change advice
- 'Lenco Heaven' is unavailable.
- Lenco
- rice krispies and gl75
- Dual 1019
- Garrard 301 & 401 platters, interchangeable?
- This is one restoration job too far.....?
- Lenco vblocks
- Pioneer MU-7 mechanical noise.
- Thorens TD-124 SME Arm and Arm board related questions
- Getting my Lenco back into the Fold!
- thorens 124
- The Utterly Ridiculous Prices being asked for GL 75s
- New Lenco owner
- Longdog Audio Quartz Reference Regenerator for Lencos
- GL75 right speaker going benny bongo
- Anybody here own or heard a CTC Garrard Classic 301?
- Garrard plinth: Shindo vs Artisan Fidelity
- Where to get V-block for Lenco GL75 tonearm?
- RC cherry plinth and 401 motor heat
- Goldring Lenco speed
- Lenco L75
- Garrard 401 not working
- Views on garrard/ CTC PSU
- Who can service a TD124 in the UK?
- Just got a 401
- Stroboscope
- GARRARD 401 - Restoration thread!!
- Original colour of Garrard 401 platter?
- The great Thorens plinth conundrum
- Audio Grail 301, Bob Cusworth plinth & Graham Phantom Elite ...a glimpse
- Garrard 301 DRD
- Garrard 301 bearing upgrades??
- New 401
- 401 idler wheel question
- SME 301 Review
- 401 transit clamp question
- Current Garrard 401 prices
- How I saved £895 on a PSU for my 401.
- 401 Bearing Recommendations Please
- 401 idler wheel oil
- Any Garrard 301 experts enlighten me?
- Garrard 401 and Neat tonearm project
- Wave Break Plate
- TD124 mkII w/ 9" armboard - max arm length?
- Acos gst1 tonearm for 401
- Garrard 401 O ring
- Super cute 'biscuit tin' Garrard !
- Unique, rebuilt by Vintage Stereo, Lenco L75 Record Player.
- Garrard 401 installing the 60Hz pulley
- LENCO - GL75 Project - PART II 8-<>
- Garrard 401 to 301 Conversion - Motor and Platter Questions
- New Garrard 301 Plinth by Audio Grail
- BBC Garrard 301 (DRD5) Restoration
- Garrard 301 hummed loud when connected to a PSU
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