View Full Version : Past Masters
- What classics changed your hi-fi life?
- Leak Stereo 30
- Classic Cartridges
- Classic hi-fi components
- VoM Tri-O-Matic
- Pioneer SA-8800/Electrostatic speakers?
- J.E. Sugden Vintage Tuners
- The great sounding TANDBERG!
- Elcaset
- Leak Stereo 20 valve amp
- Superb little active speaker back.
- CDPs/DACs using TDA1541s
- NAD 3020B or 7020i with Quad Electrostatics
- Nice Nagra SNST on eBay
- Full 1970s Marantz set-up. Should I or Shouldn“t I ?
- Rogers JR 149 speakers - are they worth it?
- Definitions - What constitutes Classic or Vintage Hi-Fi?
- TDL Studio 0.5
- An interesting {for me at least} new European source of classic gear
- Peter Belt / PWB headphones
- Bush 1960 Record Player
- Goodmans
- Celestion Ditton 15
- Roksan DP1 or Attessa
- My First Reel To Reel - Any Suggestions?
- You can Tuner Piano, but you can't Tuner Fish
- I'm now a fan.
- Received Wisdom
- Early CD Player Recommendations?
- Buried Treasure
- The Leak Trough-Line Tuner a History.
- Vintage speaker ramblings.....
- Goldring Lenco GL75 fitted with SME arm
- Radford: About Power Amplifiers
- Quad ESL 57+A&R Cambridge A60 amp?
- So Classic you can almost smell it...
- A couple of bits and bobs
- Quad Teak Sleeve... Is this worth it?
- Amp Modelling: Bob Carver & Transfer Function Amps
- Quad 50E Connectors
- Quad ESL 57's to refurb help please
- Whats you top three Fav Vintage recievers?
- Tube Rolling - Rectifiers
- My first Technics T..... The Technics-ST-8077K
- Bargains on ebay? (Part 2)
- Bargains on ebay?
- Vandersteen Model 1C
- Budget vintage amps that preferably go 'Cheep!' (like a budgie)
- eBay impulse buy! - Accuphase E-202 amp
- Talking of ebay bargains
- Pictures Wanted
- LEAK 12.1
- Thinking Back
- Orange Pre-Amp
- Vintage kit info
- Vintage Tuners and the Aerial you use ?
- Classic Amp re-builds
- Vintage CD Players - What do you have?
- Goodmans Achromat Speakers
- Cleaning Behind The Tuning Scale...The Japanese Are Here Preview.
- Radford STA 25 on Ebay
- what old amp to consider?
- Name that Tannoy
- Nytech Help
- 2 Pin Din Loudspeaker Connectors
- Creek CAS4140
- Leak 30 Amp, Leak Radio, Goldring Deck, Wharfedale Speakers
- Vintage Service
- Speaker repairs
- Goodmans and Eico
- Big Spendors for a not so big spender
- Restoring HiFi
- QUAD II 40's - Anyone rate them?
- Sticking to your own quarters
- Scopitone - No, it's not a kind of pasta.
- Vintage Communications Fair
- DENON HA 500, just a photo gallery
- B&O Beomaster 1000
- Classic Hi-Fi Advertising
- A proper monster cassette deck!
- Micro-Seiki CDM-2 - partial dissection
- Just won these on Ebay......
- Can anyone identify this vintage speaker?
- RCA Electrons on Parade
- Ferrograph Parts
- JBL L-100 as garage speakers
- My new old turntable, part 2 :lol:
- Harman Kardon PM665 any good
- A&R Cambridge A60 Connections
- Teleton
- Open invitation to contribute to a general Library article on refurbishment
- This week at the car boot sale
- Lowther L18 amplifier schematic
- Any information about Geoff Bull, modifications of CD players
- Linx Sigma DAC and Radford WS3 CD player
- Pair Lansing Hartsfields
- Acoustic Research A0 series amplifiers
- Tangent RS2
- For lovers of vintage Japanese 80s CDPs
- Call for photos of members Sansui gear
- kef concerto speakers
- Kiseki Milltek Aurora High End
- IMF Ambisonic Decoder
- Excellent retro article about binaural recordings and ancillaries
- Tannoy 15 inch golds
- Fancy a Mint?
- Info: BBC monitors 1960's
- EL34, 6500A or KT88
- Wot's it worth?
- The Decca Digital Audio Recorder
- Spendor BC1's
- Leak Stereo 20
- Local Skip Despair!!
- Pioneer A400 Upgrade Help Required
- Froggy's Favourites - Vintage oatcake spinners
- Sony amp
- EMI Elliptical Drivers
- Overhauling/Servicing of vintage cassette decks
- Bolivar Speaker Works Model 125
- A couple of less common turntables
- What now? 78 rpm
- Vintage Eye Candy
- One of the best vintage hi-fi shops in the world?
- Vintage Subs
- Kenrick Sound
- Quad Questions
- Leak
- Are these speakers worth refurbing?
- track separation on a 1974 audio cassette
- Never seen one of these before
- Finally
- Who's up for a "Cheap as Chips" Challenge?
- The Celestion kid strikes again.....!
- New owner of a pair of royd minstrel speakers
- University 315 speakers
- Handy hint for large loudspeaker owners
- We and my dad just bought another Pye HF10 Mozart Valve Amp
- Restoring Old Amps
- Leaking
- Dalines, KEF B110, KEF T15, Coles 4001G
- Squashed Leaks
- What Vintage kit?
- Just bagged a Marantz CD 75 MkII SE
- Older Quad equipment question?
- Help identifying Chartwell speakers
- Another bargain find at a car boot
- My lights have gone off
- Decca RIP
- For one week only: the Goldring G99 turntable and Decca arm and cartridge
- Rogers DW2 Subwoofer Connectivity Advice Please
- 3 & 16 ohm valve amplifier
- B&W DM2 Speakers
- Pioneer SA 9100
- Dynaco PAS 3
- Hitachi SA-903 Amplifier
- The NADford STA25 III
- Celestion Ditton 44
- Quad 303, possible improvement
- IAS Beaulieu Speakers
- Cambridge Audio R40-2 speakers: Observations & specifications
- Akaii AM 73 Master Ref
- Quadraphonic Speakers?
- Westrex 2080 G bass unit - not quite a car boot find
- B&W DM4
- Aiwa Mini Compo ?
- For those interested in really vintage JBL speakers ie The Hartsfield
- Leak information needed - Valve equivalents for Leak TL12+
- Beard Preamplifier
- Tasty vintage Technics R2R makes the grade, and then some.
- Vintage amps from Quad -70's/80's
- Celestion Ditton 66 Base driver
- Jordan Watts Acoustics speakers from 1990s
- Can anyone put a value to these valve wireless jobs
- How many watts for Quad ESL 57's
- Not vintage but still a bargin no the less!
- Albarry PP1 strange question re clicking sound?
- Best cart for SME 3009 arm
- Leak sandwich circa 1963
- Quad 33/303 developed a problem
- Akai 1200 aa tuner
- Yahama NS 655 speakers
- Marantz CD75II
- A knob for a Garrard!
- With my next pay packet i think ill and buy a pair of Quad ESL 57's
- Some vintage US audio porn...
- Over Rated Vintage Equipment! What do you think?
- hmm by stripping a PYE G63 could i use the valve amplifier
- Some Swedish 'porn' (of the audio kind)
- tempest speakers
- Goldring Lenco G99 Help please
- Trio KA-3750 - Sounds TOPS!
- Bit of a surprise coming up for you guys.
- My latest vintage tuner/amp purchase
- Tangent RS2
- Audiojumble Sunday 9th October 2011 - Tonbridge
- Wharfdale Linton 3XP speakers
- Celestion DL10's - A classic waiting to be appreciated?
- Nad 3020A Amplifier what a cracker!!
- Old Speakers
- Kef LS5/1a
- Vintage spares Wanted..
- Sony CDP761E - Best CD player ever?
- B&W dm2 serise 2's ROCK
- Goodmans Graduate speakers?
- Celestion DL6
- Goodmans Goodwood Speakers
- Them Changes - autochangers
- One of my old exs
- Musical fidelity Elektra E100 Amplifier
- Luxor briljant speakers
- Marantz Model 1040.
- Sansui QRX 9001
- Rogers LS8a speakers
- Celebrities and their vinyl
- QUAD 57 and SET amps
- Vintage Audio Site found.
- Loyalty to old gear
- Radford ma 15 monos mark 2
- Radford STA15 or SET?
- Which Tannoy's??
- Linn Isobariks - Worth anything now?
- Celestion ditton 25 opinions please
- Help needed - sansui 517
- Leak Transmission Line 2075 Speakers
- Ruark sabre speakers opinions please
- Leak Stereo 20.
- Denon POA-2400
- Garrard 301 - Oil and Grease recommendations
- Nad 3020 vs Nad 3020a
- Not sure if theres a thread on all in one systems on here on not so here goes
- Kef Reference 102
- HMV Stereoscope 555
- Musical Fidelity A1
- Love Vintage
- Vintage Speakers
- Pioneer A676
- Speakers with removable front baffles?
- ? repairing red a red wire on a celestion ditton 15
- wanted: Retro Amplification
- Pioneer PD-9700
- Mint Pioneer A400X for £45
- DNM Power Supply for Naim
- JPW p1 speakers Any good?
- Sansui AU-517 and AU-719 restorations (lotsa pics!)
- Cover me in Jam and call me Susan!
- Very interesting Tannoys
- Little jems Nad 8225 Speakers
- Weird Synergy
- eclipse cd101 mk11
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