View Full Version : The Techiepedia
- Calling all SL-1200/1210 owners!
- Headshell 'rolling' with the SL-1210
- Alignment protractor for technics 12**
- Fitting a KAB PS-1200 to a Technics SL-1210
- KAB-modified SL-1210 vs. Slatedeck SP10 - a review
- Tim's SL-1210 adventure
- Arm height locking lever on SL-1210
- Great place for Technics SL-1210 spares
- 'Plinthing' a Technics SL-1200/1210
- DIY power supply for Technics SL1200/1210
- 1210 tonearm fitting
- 1210 arm choices
- Getting Ready for my KAB 1210
- The SL1200 Chronicles
- 12 and proud
- Garrard 401 Vs Technics 1210
- SL-1200/10 mat thickness and cartridge height
- Gromit's Tecchy Blog
- SL-1210 upgrade path
- Technics SL1210 Mk5G Advice... Please
- Sound Hi-Fi 1210 - First Impressions
- Mats for the 1210...
- Improving the VTA adjustment on a Technics SL12x0
- 1210 armboard position
- Timestep psu for the SL1200
- Foculpod v Isonoe Feet
- Isonoe Feet
- Peter's Technics SL-MCCXIV thread (SL1210 + SME IV)
- Mono cartridge on SL1200
- SL1210mk2 for beginners
- Shuggie's SL-1210 Blog Revived
- Sorbothane Puss in Boots? ( sneaky SL-1200 thread )
- Jason's Techy T/T blog and the arrival of the Jelco 'big boy' c/w
- Using a Denon 103R with the stock Tech SL1210M5G Arm
- 1210 - A deck odyssey
- Coverting a KAB PSU from 220V to 120V input
- Joining the 1210 fun
- Technics SL1210 with Paul Hynes power supply.
- Technics SL12xx & 12" Arms.
- How much torque does a 1210 have - check this out!
- Audio Origami and the standard Technics arm.
- If it wasn't for Marco
- technics tt advice wanted
- Technics SL1200 plinth damping
- Where my Technics T/T journey started...
- KAB/Technics SL 1200 mk5
- the one that started it all!
- Just how knackerd is too knackerd (1210's)
- My new sl1210
- 1200 which PSU & which arm comparisons
- Service/Maintain a 1210?
- Techy SL1200 Phono Lead Help, Please.
- Is it an infection?
- Roksan tabriz arm on my sl1210??
- Technics Bearing Mod
- timestep fitting questions
- a quick note on the timestep
- Buy a Technics SL-1200 or Renovate Garrard 401/SME 3009
- When does the SL-1200 become too expensive?
- Urgent - techie wiring help please
- Techie SL1200 Spares.
- Steve's SL-1210 new journey - long but stick with it
- Technics SL-1200/10 record weights / clamps
- 1200 which PSU comparisons [Part 2]
- Calling All Upgraded Technics Owners
- So tell me about these Technics TT's
- The next step for my Techie - Advice needed.
- Has anyone ever re-plinthed an SL-1200 or 1210?
- SME 309 on a Technics 1200
- SL-1200MK6, one for Marco?
- sl1210 with ittok???
- SL1200/1210 production to cease?
- DIY SL-1210 Foculpod feet that do stay put
- technics SL-1210 DIY pocket money upgrades
- SL1210 - Nearly there.....
- Bling bling! Pimp my techy
- The Timestep Bearing
- Marantz SL-1200 clone
- Technics Cartridge Problem
- Mike New Technics Bearing.
- Advice for new Technics SL-1200 Mk2 Owner
- The Mike New Technics Bearing
- MM Cart for SL1200 MK2
- My new Techie Sl 1200
- SP-10 vs SL-1210 round II
- My SL1210
- Good grief! How noisey is the stock Techie power supply?!!
- 1210 MK II tonearm change out Help!
- Timestep PSU + Jelco 750 + Squidgie Feet + Wall Shelf + WOW!!!!
- Mission 774LC on Technics SL-1200Mk2
- VTAF for Jelco SA-750D on SL-1210
- Technics SL-1210 mk2 - Setup Advice Pls!
- Bit of an Odd one this... (1210 related)
- Technics 1200 and Rega 301
- Zu Denon and the Technics TT
- How about this SL1210 combo?
- Stuff the SL-1200
- Am i going in the right direction with my 1210?
- SME 309 for my 1210
- Erm, Another 1210 Query Thread...
- * Why Technics? *
- The madness has begun
- Timestep vs Mike New - opinions?
- SL1210 Platter 'wobble'
- Supporting the SL-1210
- New mat for my technics
- Uber 1210 required for TT bake-off!
- LP clamp shootout! - on a Techie 1210
- PSU for SL-1210 with pics
- Dynavector DV507-II on Technics SL-1210
- Sorbothane Boots for SL1200
- Sl1210 going blue - a question and a protest
- A Kind of Blue and a bit Mike New - Changing my top plate and bearing
- Another view on the Techie
- Techie SL12xx pcb identification?
- SL 1210 headshell/cartridge combo
- My Technics 1200 journey
- Denon dp 1300mk2 vs technics sl 1200
- Isonoe support feet for technics
- TT earth check
- Modified SL1200 VTA Mechanism to fit alternative Tone Arms
- Starway to (the SL 1200) Heaven
- kab pc 1200 RCA Jack plate
- New Solid Aluminium Platter for the SL1200
- How do you clean your Technics
- Audiomod micrometer tonearm on the technics
- New Paul Hynes SR5 Power Supply
- A battle of D/Ds: Heavily-modified SL-1210 vs. Kenwood L-07D and Nakamichi TX-1000.
- Technics Upgrade advice
- Mike New Platter for Technics SL-1210
- A Dalek joins the Techie Club.....
- Sl1210: new feet and mat
- Help - techie and herbie mat
- Question regarding the TimeStep PSU for the Techie SL-1200
- Stock Technics arm with Denon 103
- Technics 1210
- Another Technics question (or two)
- But if you want to avoid heavily DJ used gear, then why go for a tt meant for DJ use
- Technics Motor Dynamics Mod
- Funk Firm Techie Mods
- The Garrard 301 vs 1200 dilemma
- Beloved Turntables; Pair of Technics SL-1210MK2s, 1 not powering up?
- SL-1200 Platters, bearings, mats and PSU's, cartridges, arms, and more...
- Technics sl1210 feet
- Technics SL-1210MK5G Headshell weights?
- The Mike New Technics bearing
- Fitting a timestep psu
- How to Connect an External Dc Supply to the SL-1200/1210
- Technics 1200/10 external PSU info needed please
- EPA 100 arm on Technics 1200/1210
- Serious contender for the SL1200 series....
- Panasonic officially announces Technics production to end 2010
- Platter for my sl-1210
- It's now time to ditch your Sound Hi-Fi/Herbie's mats...
- Technics 1200 and the Jelco 10" arm?
- The earth wire?
- Still an SL1200, but a new tonearm flavor...
- Revised Mike New platter for SL-1200/1210
- Techie ordered... Now which cartridge to go with it?
- The $2.95 Technics upgrade
- New Technics SL-1210 owner
- Mike New platter, Oyaide MJ-12 mat & STB-MS stabiliser arrive at Marco Towers...
- best cartridge for technics 1200 - £3-400 budget
- Technics armboard source
- Cartridge change ideas on 1210 with Jelco 750D?
- Removal of the Pitch Control fom Technics 1210
- powder coating a 1210 plinth
- sme V + cartridge match for 1210
- DIY Power Supply for SL1200/1210
- Officially a Techie owner now!
- Changing the CAPS on a 1210
- Origin Live 1200/12110 PSU's
- Technics 1210 internal regulation mods
- Technics SL-1200/1210.
- Techie stock tonearm questions
- Mike New platter
- What upgrades would you next like to see on your technics 1210?
- Origin live arm question - quickie
- Mike new plinth????
- Techie phase 2.5 mat upgrade
- My 1210 has been hot rodded
- Anyone using some other kind of oil in the Original Technics spindle ?
- Soak testing the MN bearing
- Technics 1210 3D CGI Animation
- Technics 1210 + Clearaudio Maestro
- Classical music and the Technics 1200
- 1200 + Grado + External PSU
- Me and the 1210 are gunna have us some me time....
- Broke my 1210, HELP!!!!
- 1210 looses output to right speaker
- Memoirs of a new Techie owner...
- Marc Phillips of the Anti-Direct Drive League: Does he know his stuff or is he BS?
- Oil for the Techy.
- Earth wire for SL-1210
- Rubato copper mat and stock Techie tonearm
- Blown US voltage Technics 1200 - used without stepdown tranformer
- Techie stock transformer and hum: two questions
- 1210's and Mods...
- Plinths and the 1200 / 1210
- Technics 12XX: Voltage and current requirements?
- The modified SL-1200: understanding the dynamics of 'synergy'....
- Vantage Audio upgraded technics bearing
- Bake off at Brook Towers
- First 1210 upgrade
- Zu audio modified technics sl-1200
- A big thanks to Mike New
- The arrival of a wee brush, and a great tweak for Techy fans...
- Introduction and technics turntable mat and feet
- Technics Platter
- An idea for improving the Techie's stock tonearm
- Bye-bye SL-1210... Hello Stanton ST-150?
- SL-1210/Jelco SA750D - cartridge choices?
- Technics or Tactical Objective
- Outer Ring For Technics Deck Advise Please
- New acrylic platter for the SL-1200/1210
- TT Mat Recommendations
- Interesting experiment
- Pleasantly surprised
- Technics SL 1210 MK2
- The TS Evo 1200/10 has been reviewed
- Strobe Dots on a Mike New Platter
- Jelco vs. SME tonearms on an SL-1200
- technics wood edition
- State of the art with SL1200/SL1210 mods, and in what order do you get there
- Vantage Audio platter upgrade for Technics SL-1210
- SL1210 Hum when ground connected but fine when it isn't
- jelco 750d/Technics fitting experience?
- My mike new bearing has arrived
- Sl200 cartridge & arm set up
- Bearing examination
- Heat shrink on Technics arm
- New arrivals
- Technics 1210
- Starting with a Technics SL-1210
- Isolating an SL-1200
- Vantage Audio Technics SL-1210 PCB upgrade & PSU
- what's wrong with my feet ?
- Timestep PSU Modification
- Fidelity Audio PSU For Technics Deck
- Whats the Most expensive Moving Coil you have on the Stock Techy Arm ??
- Record Weights on 1200MK2s: One Man's Findings
- PSU's for Technics Deck - Sonic Benefits Please
- Dirt cheap external PSU for 1200Mkx
- The Mike New Bearing Base Plate
- I try a Stanton 520 V3 on my Techy..
- Oh Man... it rings like a bell...
- Technics armboard weakness
- Want to do some Technics 1210 Mk2 upgrades - Where to get tonearm rewired in the U.K.
- Technics Power Switch Rewiring with an External PSU
- To clamp or not with Achromat? That is the question...
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