View Full Version : AV Cabling

  1. TV/SKY/DVD Connection help required
  2. Just in case you haven't seen it...
  3. Optical or RCA ?
  4. Good quality cheap AV cable...
  5. Mains cables & PSUs
  6. Digital Coax
  7. HDMI Cable
  8. Playstation optical output
  9. toslink doesnt fit
  10. Mark Grant HDMI Cables
  11. HDMI switch box
  12. Cable question
  13. Isotek Evo3 Mains Cable for TV
  14. Calling cable guys... decent "L shaped" IEC connector for the telly.
  15. Cat5 or Cat6?
  16. The best or good SCART cable please
  17. Expensive HDMI Cables
  18. HDMI Cable problem
  19. Surround Speaker cable recommendation
  20. How Many HDMI Inputs Do You Need?
  21. Sound out of sync
  22. How long for HDMI cable?
  23. Strong STRONG reccommendation for this HDMI cable...genuine Stepchange better.
  24. Long run of HDMI required for 4K
  25. More HDMI schennanigans
  26. Supra CAT 8 STP PATCH
  27. Satellite cable suppliers
  28. HDMI cables are all the same?
  29. HDMI Switch(es)
  30. Recommend a hdmi ARC compatible cable
  31. HDMI cables - do they all perform the same?
  32. Interconnect between BT Hub and a Smart TV
  33. New kid on the block 'WiSA'
  34. 4k hdmi splitter