View Full Version : Private Exhibitions
- Rules for selling - READ BEFORE POSTING PLEASE
- Musical Fidelity A3.5 CD Player
- WANTED: High Mass Speaker Stands
- For Sale: Passive pre-amp.
- FS: Celef (Proac) PE1 speakers - standmounts - Excellent!
- NAIM HICAP (1997)-Naim 82 pre(2002) sale
- Naim 82 Preamp (2002) Mint
- Arcam CD + spikes
- Meridian 200/203 Cdp & Dac (7)
- ART AUDIO VP1 Pre amp with REMOTE!
- Ei Elite Valves NEW ECC83 & ECC88
- Speaker terminals
- Nottingham Analogue Spacearm
- FOR SALE: 'The AR Turntable'
- FS: Yamaha DSP-E800
- FS: My superb BURMESTER CD006 CD Player!
- FS Quadraspire Q4 rack
- PrimaLuna Prologue five power amp.
- FS: Target Audio B10 Rack
- WTB: Epos ES-11 Stands
- VRDS Wanted (or is it?)
- FS: Technics SL120 TT
- FS: Amphion Krypton speaker system
- 'KT-88' Tube amp
- AVONDALE M130s Mono Blocks
- FS: Teac TR-400
- FS: Tannoy System 12 DMT MkII
- FS: Musical Fidelity A3CR Power Amp
- FS: Spendor SP1/2 speakers - Nr Mint!
- Royce 'Spectrum' T.T. No arm be quick
- Virtual Dynamics digital i/c
- Audio Research, Krell, MF, REL
- FS: Dynavector P75Mk2 inc RA Powerpak psu
- FS: Jim Rogers JR150 speakers
- FS: GRADO SR325i Headphones Nr Mint
- FS:Alesis RA500 - NAIM 180 Slayer
- Naim Naca5 Cable.
- Book Wanted
- Private plate P70 AJG
- FS: Tonearm cable 1m Cardas din - rca
- Transparent Musiclink plus.
- REL Sub Cable by Kimber
- Teac P30 CD Transport.
- Yaqin MC 100b.
- Densen B330 (B) power amplifier
- Linn Majik CD player in black
- Naim OUCH Remote.
- Art Audio Concerto Mk11
- Sony Qualia Headphones (Wanted)
- Muscial Fiedelity A308cr CD Player
- ProAc Response D38 up for very reluctant sale
- FS: Yamaha DSP-E800
- reduced items MF 308 / ProAC D38
- Wanted - Capacitors
- FS: Spendor S9Es
- FS: Solid State & Valve amps
- Interconnects
- Wanted - Shure SFG-2 Force Gauge
- FS - Benchmark DAC 1
- FS: Audiolab 8000P
- Meridian & Musical Fidelity
- Hexateq Enclosure.
- FS Focal 1007Be
- FS: YS Audio Symphonies Plus-R valve pre-amp (with RC!)
- Wanted: tonearm cable din - rca
- Wanted Sony MDR-R10 vintage headphones
- Wanted Stax SRM-717 headphone amplifier
- Chord Odyssey
- Chord Cobra 2 cable
- DNM Reson interconect
- FS: Gyro SE with Orbe platter and HR PSU...
- FS Leak Trough Line Stereo
- FS Croft Special Epoch Elite Pre Amp
- Wanted: Pioneer stable platter CD player
- FS: LFD Grainless i/c cables - 0.7m pair
- Want to borrow: tonearm cable
- Coherent Connoisseur XLR
- Pioneer PD-S904
- Audiolab 8000PPA Phono Pre-Amp for sale
- Linn LP12 (Sondek)/Ittok LVII /Klyde (New)
- Sennheiser HD600 headphones on Ebay
- Tag McLaren P60 Power Amp
- FS Ge kt88, matched quad
- Rel Q100E subwoofer
- Arcam Alpha 9 & 9P Amplifiers
- Ruark Talisman II speakers
- EAR 509 Monoblocks.
- WTB Stax Sigma Σ Headphones working or not
- Stuff for sale, not "High Brow"
- Possible sale of WAD Kit6550 Valve Amp
- Densen Beat B100
- Cardas Golden Cross Headshell Leads
- Coherent Cables
- Piega TS5 loudspeakers
- FS: Quad 57 electrostatic speakers
- LFD Zero LE Mark 3
- FS and Int check: SL-1210 and Alpha 5+ cd
- Wanted: Sugden RC5 remote control
- Various items for sale - Audiolab/Arcam/Epos/RDC cones/merlin leads, etc
- WANTED Stax SRD7-MkII headphone adapter
- Transcriptors Saturn Turntable
- Wanted: STAX headphones extension cable
- Wanted : Mullard 12AX7 / ECC83 valve
- wanted, shure stylus
- FS: Virtual Dynamics Testament interconncts - 1.5m pair, RCAs
- FS: Krell KSA50 Mk1 power amp
- Linn Cd 12 Player For Sale
- FS : Yaqin MC-84L Valve Amp
- FS: Karan Acoustics LF2 Power Line Filter
- FS: Feickert alignment protractor
- DTB's World Designs WD88VA for sale.
- Whest PS 20 + Msu 20
- FS: Technics sl-1210mk2 turntable
- FS: Arcam Alpha 5+ cd player (TDA1541a)
- FS: Spectral DMC-15 preamplifier
- FS: Unity Whitewater Speakers-Fostex-
- FS: SDS Isoplatmat platter mat
- FS Accuphase E-213 integrated Amp
- FS: OTL Valve Monoblock Power Amps!
- Hacker Centurion GA 500 Series.
- FS Heavyweight Isomat for Non-Suspended Decks
- FS - offers - Linn Sondek LP12 complete
- FS: TEAC T1 CD Transport (VRDS) with Trichord Clock 4 mod
- Wanted - isoplatmat or OL mat
- FS: Music Works Mains leads (2 available)
- FS: Silvaweld SWC 1000RC BFA Line Pre and OTL Tube Reference 100 Monos
- FS Croft Phantom Power Amp
- Tekni-fi Pre amp
- FS Pimped up Bluenote Koala CDP
- audiolab bargains
- FS: World Audio Design KLS3 Gold mk2s
- Audioplan Kontrast speakers for sale
- Interest check MF A370/MVX.2 combo.
- FS: Denon DL304
- FS or swap: Audio Synthesis DAX Decade
- Martin Logan Aerius Hybrid Electrostatic
- FS System Audio SA1750 Speakers
- FS: SD Acoustics SD1 speakers - ribbon hybrids
- FS: 4m (13ft) pair Cardas Golden Cross speaker cables
- Stunning condition original Audiolab 8000M monoblocs
- FS : World Design Kel84
- FS: EAR 802 Pre Amp
- FS: Merlin VSM-MM
- Wanted: Remote control pre-amp and/or TVC pre-amp
- FS 32mm Dia Carbide Hole Saw & Arbour for Drilling Stone
- FS: Chord Epic Twin cables, 2 x 3 m, terminated
- FS:chord odyssey2 speaker cable
- Spectral DMC30 for sale
- AVI ADM9s (only a few months old & mint)
- FS: Nordost Heimdall i/c - 1m pair - RCA
- Lots of Cyrus/ Monitor Audio Gold
- Pair of Eminence Alpha 15 A bass units
- FS Interconnects and speaker cables
- Quad ESL 57s
- Two odd speakers.
- fs naim 250.2
- Wanted - Sticky Grease for Tonearm Raiser
- FS: Vintage Musical Fidelity MVX.2 Pre-Amp
- speaker cables
- FS:KAB Cardas-rewired, fluid damped, Technics tonearm & various mats
- FS: KAB modified SL-1210 Mk5SE + lots of extras
- Ariston RD80SL and Arm
- Garrard 401
- JBL L100 Century speakers
- B&W Nautilus 803 - immaculate
- FS: Cairn Nitro pre-amp
- WTB-Minidisc
- Transparent cable mega sale!
- Dynaudio Audience 42 - Cherry. £0.99 opening bid on eBay. No reserve.
- Rega P2 with Ortofon. £0.99 opening eBay bid. No reserve
- FS: Horning Zeus speakers
- Vpi 16.5 record cleaner
- Naim HiLine Din to Din. £0.01p opening on eBay & no reserve
- FS: Platinum Duo speakers - RRP $4,000
- *wanted* turntable bitties
- Acoustic energy AE1
- Stuff For Free !
- FS: Naim CD3
- Quad 57s + One Thing stands
- Mit Spectral MI-330 and MH750 Ultralinear II
- FS: Odyssey Audio Tempest and Stratos Plus
- Denon DP-3000/3500 + Hadcock
- Does Anyone Have???
- Sumiko Headshell
- FS: Pioneer PL-505 Direct Drive Turntable & arm
- CSS FR125S Fullrange Speakers
- Black Linn LP12/Ittok/Ortofon MC10 Supreme (metal bodied)/Armaggedon
- Naim CDS1 with CDSPS
- Naim NAC 52/Supercap/NAPSC Modded
- Mana MA-2 stereo Stealth power amp! Only one of it’s kind!
- Linn Isobarik's
- Mana supports
- FS: Tom Evans Vibe/Pulse 2 line stage
- FS: MIB Classic 1.2 Aurios Media Isolation Bearings
- Stax Ear-Speakers
- FS: Kabusa Cardas Rewird Tonearm wand (SL1210)
- More Free Stuff
- Puresound A30
- Lp12/armageddon/ittock/denon103/boxed
- FS White Noise Audio Pre Amplifier
- FS: Rega Ear
- WANTED: Yamaha YH-1000 or HP-1000 headphones
- FS: Garrard 401 in Bastin plinth, with NA Spacearm
- Fostex based Mass Loaded Transmission Lines
- AVI S2000 series amps
- FS: SDS Isoplatmat
- FS, Spendor SP3/1P
- FS: Ash Designs Cosmic 4
- ps audio gcph phono stage
- FS: Whest PS.20 + MsU.20 High end MM/MC phono stage
- FS: Classic 'High End' Turntable/Arm combination
- FS: Rel Q100E Subwoofer
- FS: Ruark Talisman 2 Speakers
- Audio Source E6
- FS Mr Liang 845 SET
- EINSTEIN Last Record Player
- Chord Odyssey4
- Spica TC50i Standmounts
- FS: Active Crossover for linn / Naim or any 2 or 3 way speaker
- FS: Russ Andrews PowerBlock + 2m Reference PowerKord (16amp
- Ringmat 330 MkII XLR
- Tascam DA20 MkII DAT recorder
- FS: SpeakerCraft Tantra TS12 Subwoofer
- FS: 845 Metal Plates
- FS 4 Tier Audiophile Base rack
- Quad 33/303 Pre/Power Amp FOR SALE
- WANTED: MC Phonostage
- Feedback section for buyers and sellers
- New Sugden Masterclass PDT-O4 for sale
- Sony das r1 dac.
- Wanted: Monitor Audio Studio 6
- Wanted: Marantz CD 60
- FS: Sound HiFi Rega Armboard for SL1210
- Free - Linn Valhalla for spares or repair
- FS: limited edition Koetsu 10" tonearm
- Wanted: Solid Speaker Cable
- tannoy devons with 12" SPD drivers.
- FS: Atacama Equinox stand. 3 Shelves. Silver & Anthracite
- FS: Fulton Kinetic barrier platter mat. Ideal for Tech 1200/10
- SoundHifi (Herbie's Way Excellent II) mat 3.7mm
- Swap: Virtual Dynamics Powercord 3
- Set of 5 Kef Eggs with Sub & 2 Kef Stands
- FS : Meridian 506.2
- Croft charisma x pre amp.
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