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Thread: Munich High End show 2018

  1. #221
    Join Date: Jan 2013

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    I can't imagine an SP10 ever being cheap. I wonder what the inflation adjusted price would be?

    I don't know enough about Technics decks to comment but I suspect it is better than a god knows how old SP10 unless it has been comprehensively checked out and serviced.

    On the face of it I know which I'd rather have but I am not spending £20K on any record deck. It certainly looks better made due to modern manufacturing and the platter does look better/more expensive to produce. What difference that makes in reality I can't say.

    Techie experts?

  2. #222
    Join Date: Mar 2017

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    I think my upset is actually really more to do with our society's drift into opulence rather than it being about Hi-Fi, which of course by definition is a luxury life adjunct.

    That capitalism can knowingly indulge to this extent to extract money from people feels wrong.

  3. #223
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pharos View Post
    I think my upset is actually really more to do with our society's drift into opulence .
    Which sort of implies that the drift into opulence is a new thing, rather than something that was happening back when Moses was a lad.

    I don't think there is any area of consumer goods that does not have a sector that caters to the very wealthy. We only notice the hi-fi one because it is something we are interested in.
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  4. #224
    Join Date: Jul 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by User211 View Post

    £20K actually.

    Source Hi-Fi News June 2018 page 34.

    Motor unit, plinth and arm. As pictured.
    Thats intriguing - I was told £8k for the SP-10R motor unit and £14k for the motor, plinth and arm, by the bloke from Technics UK at the Bristol Show!
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  5. #225
    Join Date: Nov 2011

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    Quote Originally Posted by User211 View Post
    Vox Olympian. This could be total delusion on my part, but these seemed better this year. Running a Fuuga cartridge, supposedly to re-create the Miyabi sound (that dude retired) in a Kuzma 4 Point/Monaco Grand Prix.

    Now according to my reckoning, the Fuuga cartridge is right up there on the top of phono carts. No disrespect to Kevin, but he's always playing complete crap i.e. we have totally different musical tastes. But once a particular LP got going what I heard exceeded anything I have ever heard out of the Olympians. Things just started happening in a totally excellent manner. Spatially fantastic, superb resolution, great tone etc etc basically goddam impressive. I've not been a great fan of Olympians so far, but it really was good on that LP, whatever it was.

    I still have no idea what the huge subs can do. I just have to assume they can do something. But I choose to believe that cart is right up there with the very best of the best. I'm not even going to look up the price ($9,000 ). It'll be a lot.

    Obv. the LV OBX weren't in the way when I was listening as reported above.
    The Fuuga, Kuzma, Monaco combination did sound very nice

    Last year LV only took the Palladium speakers, this year they had the Vox Olypium in the LV room and the Vox Palladium in the Engstrom room. The subs do quite a bit, they fill in below around 70 Hz above which the mid-bass horn takes over afaik.
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  6. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by clap View Post
    It had a great review in HiFi News. It can take 3 arms.
    Is it meant to be used with the record placed directly on the metal platter, without a mat?

  7. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    Which sort of implies that the drift into opulence is a new thing, rather than something that was happening back when Moses was a lad.

    I don't think there is any area of consumer goods that does not have a sector that caters to the very wealthy. We only notice the hi-fi one because it is something we are interested in.
    Whilst I sympathise with Dennis's disquiet about the way things are going commercially: there have always been manufacturers who would produce deluxe versions of their kit. Leitz used to make a limited edition lizard-skin covered and gold plated version of the Leica IIIf camera. Later they teamed up with Hermes to produce a limited edition of their Leica M7 with unique leather cladding and strap, but the actual camera and lens were unchanged.

    Likewise is a £26K Patek-Philipe wristwatch any better than a £5K Rolex, do either keep time any better than say a £3 digital? No, people buy expensive clothes, cars and jewellery because it makes a statement about who they are and the image they like to present of themselves, regardless of any consideration of 'taste'.

    In the high-end audio field there is virtually nothing that actually justifies the prices asked. There have been no breakthrough developments in amplifier design or in transducer design for decades, none that could be used to justify costs - no "R&D" to talk of, just OTT and unnecessary elaborate construction and choice of materials, as well as elaborate and glossy marketing.

    One of the reasons why I long stopped visiting audio shows or reading the audio press, save for being amused but rarely impressed.

  8. #228
    Join Date: Jun 2010

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    At one time, I would have found much of the hifi on show here highly desirable. Now, I am ambivalent, as it is clear to me that manufacturers are maximising margin to compensate for reduced sales in a niche market. It's an inevitable shame and we have to find a way to develop interest in hifi. It can be done: Beats headphones created a market from nothing, even though there was no sonic excellence with their product.
    Main system: Sony TTS8000; AT1010; Audio Technica Art1; The Lentek; Cambridge 851n, Yamaha NS1000.
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  9. #229
    montesquieu Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by User211 View Post
    Really? I think I'd be instantly sacked for some of the stuff I've written here if working for the press. And there's no real attempt at a review of anything. It is all subjective bullshit and rantings. I usually put that in - absolutely take everything I say with a pinch of salt.

    You are right though it is possible to do very well for much less money.

    But that isn't the issue here. Money making and expensive product is a huge consideration. Like high end anything else e.g. cars and jewelry.

    People also love to gawp at the huge prices being asked. Mainly because most can't even vaguely afford it.

    If all that upsets you - get a grip. It's just a hobby.
    Subjective rantings on a hifi forum? A first obviously

    I agree with Justin there's nothing to get upset about. Actually in a way it's pretty wonderful (for all the irritation with shiny faceplates and to some degree the sameness of the techical solutions arrived at - which in part I think is the reason for the bling ... to differentiate) to see quite so many people all together, passionate and interested in audio. It can be pretty lonely out there at times.

  10. #230
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    The new Pink Triangle looks and sounds super exciting - I can’t wait to learn more about it!
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