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Thread: Audio Note AN-E and Tannoy Canterbury GR (battle)

  1. #51
    Join Date: Jan 2013

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    Quote Originally Posted by hifinutt View Post
    spoken to dealer and we believe thrax is 60 w per channel .
    Thanks for that Phil and thanks for the invite. Not looking for an all in one solution and indeed I'd need more power anyway.

    I do like their gear though, especially that Spartacus, which behaved really well with the Royale. Excellent spatially but that is a characteristic of EML valves that really suited the Royales, producing a huge holographic soundstage.

    Oddly EML valves produce too much spatiality in my DAC. Some things just blend though and that Thrax Tannoy combo just worked.

  2. #52
    Join Date: Sep 2009

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    its a pleasure . after pondering all these thoughts i am leaning towards an an-j rather than an an-e possibly . in view of tom and jazids views . it may be someone is looking to sell an an-j and move to an-e . if so that would be interesting
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  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by anubisgrau View Post
    there is a clear reason for vast variations in bass performance from tannoy speakers. it's a condition of bass driver, especially surrounds. any change from the original condition induce Fs to drift, most often to rise. a friend had a 3838 based cab, he couldn't get under a 60hz bass. after he found out that the surrounds hardened, he tackled that and got back to the original 35hz or so. it was such a difference!

    pretty much same for the new drivers, they need some to to get to optimal performance. given the fashion about tannoys, lots of people buy without having a clue how they should perform so they listen faulty ones and never actually hear what they can do (if they can be anyway restored to original performance at all).

    i seriously doubt that AN/E can go 27hz flat and 20hz -7, this can not be a performance from the driver itself.
    Since HPDs can be, and indeed have to be, refoamed from time to time and since this can be done with manufacturers or approved agent's surrounds, I can't think of any obvious way in which the performance couldn't be as close to 'factory' as any original coned driver can be. Monitor Golds and earlier driver models may not be so lucky. Have I missed something here Gordan, I think you know more?

    Re: AN-E, seriously doubt away, it makes no difference to the measurable response The graph shows in room response, red is 'out of the box' in room response measured through omnidirectional UMIC, green is corrected by DEQX 3.0 for minimum phase and basic FR but otherwise the same. I am not up to speed with REW so may have made errors, for example the volume differed between these sweeps, but with respect to bass extension it's plain. (Note:directional mics produce rather different response graphs to this, especially at higher frequencies.)

    In my room the rear port is contributing and IIRC the port tuning is low 30s Hz. This happens to be just on a main room modal peak which explains the full bass that I get if uncorrected by bolstering the in room response around that frequency. This bass at 30Hz is present but of course not well damped, so good for ambience 'hall effects' but far from nimble. Since few instruments have much musical information below about 42Hz and I'm not Mr Techno I can live with this. There is an unavoidable dip at 40-ish Hz and the speakers natural response up to low 50s fills in a room null resulting from listener head height. Since AN-E are designed to be mounted on dedicated stands with ear at a fixed tweeter height it is natural that there will be a null around this frequency which is offset by the response of the driver itself. This to me is an example of this being a speaker voiced by ear for a room. In another room however, especially one fractionally wider or longer than mine and with dance music, the reinforcement could easily become too much.

    I am convinced the balance of nulls and peaks in room and speaker response have to work together, if they don't the response goes all over the place and speakers get blamed. As far as I can see the only solution if this is the problem lies in room treatment (and in minimum phase correction which needs addressing if equalisation is to stand any chance of being effective with whatever is left).

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rait View Post
    Thanks very much to everybody for their time to discuss my question. I placed order to AN-E Spe HE just now. Biggest argument wast that AN’s sounded in my room very well and to actualy buy speaker without listening is not normal. Their were more colored than Harbeths but it was nice color, as mentioned also in this thread several time. I hope that I can listen Canterburys in future and like them, because I like how they look and wanted to have Tannoy big dual driver one day. Also AN’s were much cheaper and money left for future
    My current Harbeths 30.1 are also good detailed speakers, but after five years my ears wanted some change.
    Good night from windy and cold Estonia.
    Well done Rait I am sure you will love the AN-E's. I had a loan pair which I ran with the Oto and they were absolutely lovely

    For what it's worth I didn't get along with a pair of J/K's (I can't remember which they were). When I listened to the J/K's in the room of the chap I purchased from they sounded excellent but for some reason I just could not get them to work properly in my current room, far to much boomy bass which seemed to bleed over all the music... very nasty sounding and my worst purchase ever, speaker wise, and I sold them on after a very short time

    I may have missed it but what amp are you going to use with the AN-E's?


    Mark Levinson N°390s CD Through:Atlas Elektra XLR's To: Mark Levinson N°383 To: Magneplanar .7's

  5. #55
    Join Date: Nov 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jazid View Post
    Since HPDs can be, and indeed have to be, refoamed from time to time and since this can be done with manufacturers or approved agent's surrounds, I can't think of any obvious way in which the performance couldn't be as close to 'factory' as any original coned driver can be. Monitor Golds and earlier driver models may not be so lucky. Have I missed something here Gordan, I think you know more?
    This is exactly what I was saying. The drivers have to be serviced to get their T/S parameters within factory spec. People usually deal with surrounds when they crumble while it is not always a mechanical damage that makes them drift. Most of audiophiles just listen thinking that is what it is, as long as cones or surrounds don't fall apart.

    K3838 I know had Fs in the range of 75hz instead of 35 or so, although its cloth surrounds looked visually perfect - but hardened. If you don't know how it should be and they should sound, you are fooled.
    Last edited by anubisgrau; 22-03-2018 at 20:22.
    Speakers: Oris Swing MkII
    Amps: Thomas Mayer 300b/ Hiraga La Maison de L'Audiophile 20
    Preamp: Silver AVC by eng. Ferenc Lazar
    Phono Preamp: Shishido LCR by Solaja Audio
    Decks: Garrard 301 Martin Bastin reworked/plinthed with Fidelity Research FR64fx
    Garrard 401 in eng Ferenc Lazar solid wenge plinth with SME 3012/2
    Cartridges: SPU Spirit/ Koetsu Black revisited by eng. Salai/ Miyajima Shilabe
    Step Up Transformers: Tango MCT 999/ Ortofon T-5000/ Lumiere SUT
    Digital: Shigaclone by eng. Ferenc Lazar with Lampizator Amber II
    Wires: of sufficient length

  6. #56
    Join Date: Mar 2018

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    I have EAR 861 class A enhanced triode mode tube amp. Power is 2x32w. It is in my opinnion very good amp. Wehn I auditioned ANe’s in my room I did heard good amp and speaker match. Olso my Harbetds 30.1, with sensitivity 85 db are running well with it.
    Last edited by Rait; 22-03-2018 at 21:15.

  7. #57
    montesquieu Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Rait View Post
    I have EAR 861 class A enhanced triode mode tube amp. Power is 2x32w.
    Just about perfect for Tannoy Canterburys ....

  8. #58
    Join Date: Mar 2018

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    Quote Originally Posted by montesquieu View Post
    Just about perfect for Tannoy Canterburys ....
    I hope do find way to listen Canterburys in future and I hope to like theses. Next speakers and I belive “last” will be Canterburys GR or my then are alredy out “VGR”

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by hifinutt View Post
    yes .. not exactly forthcoming with info . it also says its 12kg in weigth and thats a joke because iwould like to try it with the harbs in the loft but its too big and heavy to get up there !!! its a very powerful piece of kit . paul benge is dealer and he has lent it too me . i am sure he would let you know but i will ask

    you are of course most welcome to hear it while its here
    12Kg is not heavy - my 25W class A monoblocks weigh 30kg apiece.

  10. #60
    Join Date: Apr 2012

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    There's 12kg of aluminium in that amps chassis! I'll bet it's a 30-40kg lump.

    Sent from my GT-I9195 using Tapatalk

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