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Thread: Classic British Hi-fi

  1. #1
    Join Date: Mar 2018

    Location: York UK

    Posts: 30
    I'm David.

    Default Classic British Hi-fi

    Some pictures of my system
    Deck Garrard 401 SME V VDH Colibri cartridge

    Lector Phonostage

    Old ARC SP8 preamp now replaced

    Passive pre-amp in Leak Varislope shell

    Leak Stereo 20

    QUAD ELS 57s - wonderful the best 500 pounds I ever spent !

    Listening room

    Records and CDs in an IKEA Expedit but now filled with vinyl after all the CDs have been ripped!

    The sound to my ears is glorious and beautiful and I have not heard much at all at shows that even comes anywhere close.

    Hope you enjoy the picture

    Last edited by dpgals; 05-03-2018 at 11:08. Reason: images activated
    Equipment Garrard 401 Slate Plinth SME V Van Den Hul Colibri cartridge
    Lector Phonostage
    Raspberry Pi Allo Digione Signature Streamer, Chord Mojo dac running Roon distribution
    Audiopax Model 5 pre-amplifier
    Croft Series 3 OTL amplifier
    Quad ELS 57 speakers (some of the last built SNs in the region of 52000)
    REL Strata V subwoofer

  2. #2
    Join Date: Oct 2012

    Location: The Black Country

    Posts: 6,107
    I'm Alan.


    Quote Originally Posted by dpgals View Post
    The sound to my ears is glorious and beautiful and I have not heard much at all at shows that even comes anywhere close.
    Not surprised as your have some super kit. from another '57 user.

  3. #3
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

    Posts: 38,762
    I'm Martin.


    Great room and system. And a proper rug in the floor instead of one of those giant 1970's bathroom mats everyone seems to have gone for recently.
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > JM Labs Focal Electra 926.

  4. #4
    Join Date: Mar 2018

    Location: York UK

    Posts: 30
    I'm David.


    The rug is as nearly as old as me - over 50 years old and still looks as wonderful as when I first remember it a long time ago!
    Equipment Garrard 401 Slate Plinth SME V Van Den Hul Colibri cartridge
    Lector Phonostage
    Raspberry Pi Allo Digione Signature Streamer, Chord Mojo dac running Roon distribution
    Audiopax Model 5 pre-amplifier
    Croft Series 3 OTL amplifier
    Quad ELS 57 speakers (some of the last built SNs in the region of 52000)
    REL Strata V subwoofer

  5. #5
    Join Date: Feb 2011

    Location: South Wales

    Posts: 7,487
    I'm the'greatunwashed'.


    Wonderful . . .

    I just need your address now David, so I can pop round and 'borrow' your 57s

    Last edited by Tim; 05-03-2018 at 17:37.
    "People will hear what you tell them to hear" - Thomas Edison

  6. #6
    Join Date: Jan 2009

    Location: Essex

    Posts: 33,112
    I'm openingabottleofwine.


    Very nice setup you have there David - but I would say that having used no other speakers for the last 42 years (mine cost me £120). I did experiment with using a sub-woofer, but didn't get on with it - the results were too variable.

    Like the rug - I have Kashmir rug and a Persian rug between my Quads and my listening position.

    Most envious of your SME V/VdH Colibri combination.

  7. #7
    Join Date: Jul 2014

    Location: Shropshire

    Posts: 2,430
    I'm Anto.


    Thats superb!!
    I only ride 'em, I don't know what makes 'em work

  8. #8
    Join Date: Apr 2015

    Location: Vancouver

    Posts: 285
    I'm Don.


    Quote Originally Posted by Barry View Post
    Very nice setup you have there David - but I would say that having used no other speakers for the last 42 years.
    So, you haven’t quite made up your mind on keeping them or not yet eh?

    Vertere SG-1 Turntable / Audio Note IO Gold MC
    Audio Note AN-S8L MC Transformer
    Audio Note Pallas I/C (SUT-Preamp)
    Audio Note M6 Phono Preamp
    Audio Note CDT 3/Audio Note 4.1X Balanced Signature DAC
    Audio Note Kassai Monoblocks
    Audio Note Sogon Interconnects
    Audio Note Pallas Interconnects
    Audio Note AN-Vx Interconnects
    Audio Note Sogon Speaker Cables
    Audio Note AN-E SPE HE speakers
    Audio Note ISIS Power Cables
    Loricraft PRC-4 Record Cleaning Machine

  9. #9
    Join Date: Mar 2018

    Location: York UK

    Posts: 30
    I'm David.


    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    Wonderful . . .

    I just need your address now David, so I can pop round and 'borrow' your 57s

    You would be more than welcome to come round for a listen if you are ever in the York area but I don't think I will be letting these wondrous beasts out of my house I am afraid. It is no wonder they were voted the " hi-fi product of the centrury". I have not managed to get over the visual impact issue with my dear wife to get a stacked pair but I still dream of having four of them!!!! However, having said that some people think that stacking is not worth it in terms of the effort required.
    Equipment Garrard 401 Slate Plinth SME V Van Den Hul Colibri cartridge
    Lector Phonostage
    Raspberry Pi Allo Digione Signature Streamer, Chord Mojo dac running Roon distribution
    Audiopax Model 5 pre-amplifier
    Croft Series 3 OTL amplifier
    Quad ELS 57 speakers (some of the last built SNs in the region of 52000)
    REL Strata V subwoofer

  10. #10
    Join Date: Aug 2008

    Location: Suffolk, UK

    Posts: 1,473
    I'm Paul.


    If you just buy some and stack them up when she’s not in your wife might not notice. You never know...

    Really great kit you have there, David.

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