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Thread: Marantz 6300 - Is it's beauty only skin deep?

  1. #1
    Join Date: Mar 2016

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    Default Marantz 6300 - Is it's beauty only skin deep?

    Spotted one of these on Ebay, then had a look on the Vintage knob, which doesn't rate its sound very highly, and wondered why people would spend big money on a TT just for cool 70s styling, so has anyone got/heard one?


  2. #2
    montesquieu Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Mikeandvan View Post
    Spotted one of these on Ebay, then had a look on the Vintage knob, which doesn't rate its sound very highly, and wondered why people would spend big money on a TT just for cool 70s styling, so has anyone got/heard one?


    1) it does look pretty cool in a 70s sideburns, tia maria with your prawn cocktail kind of way.
    2) probably sounds pretty good too to most people who haven't heard a proper high end turntable (which is most people)
    3) it'll likely be used by such people in a system where a high end turntable would be a waste anyway.

  3. #3
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    Oh wow, yeah, seriously cool.


  4. #4
    montesquieu Guest


    In the 70s, even Spock was a cool dude

  5. #5
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    .... says the guy with vintage-look Tannoys.

  6. #6
    Join Date: Apr 2011

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    My System:
    Amplification - Sansui AU-alpha 707 DR
    Turntable - Technics SP10 MK2-Technics EPA-250 Tonearm-Yannis Tome 423.5Plus tonearm cable-Eichmann KLEI Absolute Harmony plugs.
    Ortofon Cadenza Black moving coil cartridge-Fritz Gyger S re-tip. Panzerholz plinth.

    CDP - Pioneer PD-91
    Speakers - Spendor D7 on Soundcare SuperSpikes
    QED Silver Spiral speaker cable-airloc banana plugs
    Mains - Ultra Pure silver plated un-switched socket-Missing link EPS 500 silver plated plugs-Hi-Fi Tuning gold plated silver ceramic 13 amp fuses

  7. #7
    Join Date: Apr 2016

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    Nice looking turntable but I wouldn't pay that much for it, that doesn't mean it's not worth the money. My denon DP80 was a money pit but it worth it for the sound quality.
    People are asking stupid money for standard lenco's.
    Bakoon 13r Denon DP80 Stax UA-70 Shure Ultra 500 in a Martin Bastin body with jico stylus, project ds2 digital Rullit aero 8 field coils in tqwt speakers

    Office system, DIY CSS fullrange speakers with aurum cantus G2 ribbons yulong dac Sony STR6055 receiver Jvc QL-A51 direct drive turntable, Leema sub. JVC Z4S cart is in the house

    Garage system another Sony receiver, cassette deck

    System components are subject to change without warning and at the discretion of the owner.

  8. #8
    Join Date: Apr 2012

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    The Marantz is overpriced in my opinion. I don't recall them quite matching the build quality of the best Japanese makes.
    It is impossible for anything digital to sound analogue, because it isn't analogue!

  9. #9
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    Actually, I've seen those Marantz tts 'in the flesh' and those pictures don't show quite how cheap and poorly made they look.
    As Robbie says, the Pioneers look much better.

    Edit: Oops, overlapped with Geoff saying something similar.

  10. #10
    Join Date: Mar 2016

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    Funny how much people buy stuff on 'reputation'. I mean that's where 90% of the LP12s profits come from!

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