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Thread: Why are we falling for the great vinyl scam?

  1. #51
    Join Date: Nov 2011

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    My approach is that life is too short to be purist in any format. Gave up on that ages ago. These days my music collection spans downloads, rips, CDs, vinyl and streaming. I have a system which caters for all so if I see something I want or like I can have it. Often I'll buy an LP or CD and not play or even open it for months.

    Then I'll come round to it again and think ooh I should give that a spin. I think a lot of new vinyl is taking the pee for what it costs though but occasionally I'll splurge on something a bit special.

    Keep telling myself to get to more record fairs and make time for proper crate digging.
    One of these days... I'm going to cut you into little pieces.

  2. #52
    Join Date: Nov 2010

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post
    Lol, not all digital, but I'd happily put my rig up against anything digital under £5k new.

    Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
    I'd suggest that an Rpi2 with an audiophonics V2 or 3 board, and an iFi PSU, would better your analogue rig for about £140
    Cheers, Will

  3. #53
    Join Date: Apr 2017

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    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    I know what you mean. trouble is I keep hearing vinyl set-ups that are just ridiculously good. We had some of them at the last MiBO. One of them was using a cartridge from 1968. It was as good as anything I've heard digital do, possibly better. You can't just walk into a dealer and walk out with something that good, a lot of time and experience has gone into getting those set-ups so good. Money too.

    Now I can get 90% of that quality from the Parasound cd player I bought on here for 45 quid. That'll do for me. Not as good but close enough and a lot less bother. Not everyone is me though. But my point is if you care about sound quality and really want the best you can't just dally with vinyl, you've got to get serious with it.
    Yes I know what you mean and where you are coming from. Ive heard a couple of these ridiculously good systems and they do seem to do what digital can never do. Even on more modest equipment there is a tendency to think digital can never do this.

    To put it very simply they bring different things and Im not saying CD sound was ever perfect. Its pretty good though and it did develop since launch.

    I just wonder how much bias and subjectivity clouds the debate.

    I just question whether the amount of experience time and money is worth it in dealing with a rock tracing a vinyl groove. £18000 for a Linn where the noise floor is never going to be silent or records manufactured perfectly? This makes me question how far purists go with it and whether its an ancient technology that should have just died away

    Anyway each to their own and its fun having a dabble with different formats
    Last edited by Minstrel SE; 13-07-2017 at 19:31.

  4. #54
    Bigman80 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by WAD62 View Post
    I'd suggest that an Rpi2 with an audiophonics V2 or 3 board, and an iFi PSU, would better your analogue rig for about £140
    haha. Erm, well I can't see that happening at all but I'm happy to find out if someone would like to oblige?

    Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

  5. #55
    Join Date: Jan 2013

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minstrel SE View Post
    Yes I know what you mean and where you are coming from. Ive heard a couple of these ridiculously good systems and they do seem to do what digital can never do. Even on more modest equipment there is a tendency to think digital can never do this.

    To put it very simply they bring different things and Im not saying CD sound was ever perfect. Its pretty good though and it did develop since launch.

    I just wonder how much bias and subjectivity clouds the debate.

    I just question whether the amount of experience time and money is worth it in dealing with a rock tracing a vinyl groove. £18000 for a Linn where the noise floor is never going to be silent or records manufactured perfectly? This makes me question how far purists go with it and whether its an ancient technology that should have just died away

    Anyway each to their own and its fun having a dabble with different formats
    I am glad this ancient technology has not died because after pursuing digital for 25 years I found the return to vinyl a revelation. Nearly all digital systems I have heard sound errr.....digital and even though vinyl does have its faults I find it the best medium for seriously listening to music.

    I suffer listening to Spotify to research and find music I like but would certainly not buy a digital version of it, for me it has to be vinyl or nothing. This is not because I am in anyway a slave to vinyl I just find it far superior to listen too.Sooooo many of my CD,s just sound awful in comparison although I have heard some file based stuff that is acceptable in an entertaining way played via a mega expensive system I could never afford.
    Main system : VPI Scout 1.1 / JMW 9T / 2M Black / Croft 25R+ / Croft 7 / Heco Celan GT 702

    Second System : Goldring Lenco GL75 / AT95EX / Pioneer SX590 / Spendor SP2

  6. #56
    Join Date: Feb 2013

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    Quote Originally Posted by WAD62 View Post
    I'd suggest that an Rpi2 with an audiophonics V2 or 3 board, and an iFi PSU, would better your analogue rig for about £140
    had a sound problem with mine but its singing again now with the new moode. Alas I now prefer jriver22 out to my Chinese dac/pre, so its not getting a look in at moment which is a bit of a shame. Think though, everyone looks for different things when they look for their perfect sound(their) being the dominant word.
    Grant .... ؠ ......Don't be such a big girl's blouse

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    “You see these dictators on their pedestals, surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police ... yet in their hearts there is unspoken fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts: words spoken abroad, thoughts stirring at home -- all the more powerful because forbidden -- terrify them. A little mouse of thought appears in the room, and even the mightiest potentates are thrown into panic.”

    "You don't have free will. You have the appearance of free will.”

    “There's a war out there, old friend. A world war. And it's not about who's got the most bullets. It's about who controls the information. What we see and hear, how we work, what we think... it's all about the information!”

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  7. #57
    Join Date: Mar 2017

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    I substantially agree with your first post Martin but wish to add two things.

    There are other disadvantages to vinyl; mechanical resonances resulting from masses and compliances, max S/N ratios of the order of 50, maybe 60dB, and marked distortions. Any mechanical device, particularly cartridges and speakers, have these in abundance compared with CD.

    I am in that exact same position as you, but looking to implement a streaming system.

    The other factor which many of us will have, being of a certain age, is that we imprinted with vinyl in our formative years, and this occurred in a period of major improvement of the format.

    If we neglect the effect of imprinting and habituation on all of our values, we do so to our own disadvantage.

  8. #58
    Join Date: Apr 2017

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    I am glad this ancient technology has not died because after pursuing digital for 25 years I found the return to vinyl a revelation. Nearly all digital systems I have heard sound errr.....digital and even though vinyl does have its faults I find it the best medium for seriously listening to music.

    I suffer listening to Spotify to research and find music I like but would certainly not buy a digital version of it, for me it has to be vinyl or nothing. This is not because I am in anyway a slave to vinyl I just find it far superior to listen too.Sooooo many of my CD,s just sound awful in comparison although I have heard some file based stuff that is acceptable in an entertaining way played via a mega expensive system I could never afford.
    Yes that interesting. I have lowered a humble ADC/ Ortofon/ Audio Technica and thought this sounds more alive, more involving, more organic, more visceral...(whats the word im looking for) than I remember on cd.

    Then Ive sometimes loaded the cd up to compare and it sounds solid and well..... digital....maybe a bit clinical, cold and uninviting. Enjoyable in its own way but perhaps missing a certain je ne sais quoi.

    I am aware that Im far from a reference turntable, Arm and Koestsu. Having heard systems like that they are truly amazing with vinyl so I know what you are getting at and I cant disagree that there seems something special which digital recordings cant convey.

    So I admit I am confused bcause I see why people love vinyl and also why people criticise vinyl. That I feel is why the debate goes on and on because its not a clear cut decision of abandoning older formats.

    I sold all my vinyl 25 years ago but I have enjoyed coming back to it on my terms . Where Im going though, Im not sure. The prices, record store day and hipsters all cheese me off.

    I continue to buy very cheap vinyl and have found some lovely albums.
    Last edited by Minstrel SE; 14-07-2017 at 07:27.

  9. #59
    Join Date: Jan 2013

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    Some of my cheapest vinyl and oldest vinyl has been the best.

    I agree there are many technically inherent problems with vinyl compared to the technically superior digital formats but I don't judge what I hear technically or by reading a specification sheet. A lot of folk continually throw technical parameters for and against vinyl and digital and think that matters.

    It makes me smile because when I sit back and listen to my system knowing I have so much distortion in my amps, speakers and vinyl, and it is so inaccurate and technically inferior to digital, IT STILL SOUNDS SUBLIME!
    Main system : VPI Scout 1.1 / JMW 9T / 2M Black / Croft 25R+ / Croft 7 / Heco Celan GT 702

    Second System : Goldring Lenco GL75 / AT95EX / Pioneer SX590 / Spendor SP2

  10. #60
    Join Date: Apr 2011

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    I am glad this ancient technology has not died because after pursuing digital for 25 years I found the return to vinyl a revelation. Nearly all digital systems I have heard sound errr.....digital and even though vinyl does have its faults I find it the best medium for seriously listening to music.

    I suffer listening to Spotify to research and find music I like but would certainly not buy a digital version of it, for me it has to be vinyl or nothing. This is not because I am in anyway a slave to vinyl I just find it far superior to listen too.Sooooo many of my CD,s just sound awful in comparison although I have heard some file based stuff that is acceptable in an entertaining way played via a mega expensive system I could never afford.

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