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Thread: Why are we falling for the great vinyl scam?

  1. #31
    Join Date: Dec 2008

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    I have never stopped buying vinyl so I guess I'm not falling for anything.

  2. #32
    Join Date: May 2016

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    i have never stopped buying vinyl , the thought of paying for a download that can be lost if the pc or the mac dies with all the information on is beyond me and to go through the hassle of having to re- download everything i could remember i just don’t want to do it ,
    at least with vinyl i have something i own permanently and can sell if I needed too ,
    try and do that with a down load in 5 years’ time as the technology has moved on with another digital format taking its place and the software for playing the format has changed ,
    vinyl will still be here as long as turntables and the accessories are being made I don’t feel ripped off when buying vinyl
    as it will be played for years to come

    Mf M6500i kef R 900 speakers ,Michell odyssey turntable ,trichord delphini dual mono phono stage's MF M6 Dac and M1cdt

  3. #33
    Join Date: Jan 2013

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    try selling digital, even the companies producing it are finding it difficult to sell!

    I feel there real scam is trying to sell HiRez digital at rediculous prices much of which doesn't sound any better than the LoRez stuff!
    Main system : VPI Scout 1.1 / JMW 9T / 2M Black / Croft 25R+ / Croft 7 / Heco Celan GT 702

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  4. #34
    Audio Al is offline Pishanto Specialist & Super-Daftee
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    I did not bother reading the article

    Easy , either buy vinyl or dont buy vinyl


    I buy vinyl and allways have done , Love it and allways will do

  5. #35
    Join Date: Apr 2017

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    I'm Martin.


    I am just about to start a thread asking if anyone uses vinyl as a primary source of recorded music?

    I have made my decision that vinyl will be down the list as a bit of fun and retro hobby if you like.

    I bought a new Pink Floyd double album for £25 and after my initial satisfaction with the purchase I found that that the pops and clicks were making me think if this is the right way to be buying music.

    Ok it was enjoyable when in the zone but at those prices I wont be having much of a collection and it was mastered from the digital remaster. We conveniently ignore the giant elephants that it gets damaged every time I play it, gathers dust, has limited low frequency bandwidth and sounds worse in the inner grooves

    Most of my recent vinyl purchases have been charity shop records in excellent fully inspected condition. I havent upgraded my turntable because Im not sure where I am going with this.

    Even Minidisc and FM radio is taking priority for me

    I reckon the hipsters are driving the mini revival and possibly for the wrong reasons. I never really considered record shops as a Mecca of friendship and information so I dont really understand record store day other than a marketing attempt to inflate prices and shift units.

    I know a nice sound comes from vinyl but at what cost and trade offs. That Floyd album will be worth a small fraction of what I paid because its not the original vinyl recording.

    When vinyl was first available to me, there was no other choice apart from the inferior cassette. The Philips engineers will tell you that cds do not sound worse and will measure better in every important parameter.

    So I will just enjoy vinyl as a bit of fun with its obvious flaws
    Last edited by Minstrel SE; 13-07-2017 at 18:38.

  6. #36
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Brave post on here that is Martin...good luck!
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > JM Labs Focal Electra 926.

  7. #37
    Bigman80 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Minstrel SE View Post
    I am just about to start a thread asking if anyone uses vinyl as a primary source of recorded music?

    I have made my decision that vinyl will be down the list as a bit of fun and retro hobby if you like.

    I bought a new Pink Floyd double album for £25 and after my initial satisfaction with the purchase I found that that the pops and clicks were making me think if this is the right way to be enjoying music.

    Ok it was enjoyable when in the zone but at those prices I wont be having much of a collection and it was mastered from the digital remaster. We convenintly ignore the giant elephants that it gets damaged every time I play it, gathers dust and involves a ritual of loading it up

    Most of my recent vinyl purchases have been charity shop records in excellent fully inspected condition. I havent upgraded my turntable because Im not sure where I am going with this.

    Even minidisc and FM radio is taking priority if Im honest with you.

    I reckon the hipsters are driving the mini revival and possibly for the wrong reasons. I never really considered record shops as a mecca of freindship and information so I dont really understand record store day other than a marketing attempt to inflate prices and shift units.

    I know a nice sound comes from vinyl but at what cost and trade offs. That Floyd album will be worth a small fraction of what I paid because its not the original recording.

    When vinyl was first out there was no other choice apart from the inferior cassette. The Philips engineers will tell you that cds and digital do not sound worse and will measure better in every important parameter.

    So I will just enjoy vinyl as a bit of fun with its obvious flaws
    Brave indeed, Martin.

    What I would say is that in my experience, to reach a similar level of sound quality from digital that I have attained in vinyl playback, it would cost thousands. I'm pretty sure it could cost about £10k. There is not digital source that I have heard or tried that gets near it.

    I agree that these hipster types are pushing the cost of vinyl up and the urgency or remastering classic albums may be driving the quality down.

    As for pop and clicks, it gets better with better gear. I remember thinking when I got a bit higher in the food chain that my Vinyls surface noise improved as much as the gear I was using.

    A record cleaner held massively too. In real usage terms, I am pretty sure it's not that easy to wear a record out either.

    If you want to see why most of us audio-fools choose vinyl, listen to a very good setup.

    Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk

  8. #38
    Join Date: Apr 2017

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    Yes it is and Im bracing myself. Yes I do accept that vinyl can sound wonderful and joyous with good equipment.

    I do enjoy my vinyl but Im getting a bit confused if the emporers new clothes scenario is going on.

    Im trying to be honest with myself now and I'm moving mentally to a place where I would be quite happy to click and download if the resolution/quality is high enough. I do now for the occasional i tunes track but dont really consider 256kbps to be good enough

    Sofa.... Coffee... Click and download is starting to make ideal sense. I wonder whether we need to hold a physical copy of the music.

    Im still confused though because I dream images of SME arms

    Best wishes
    Last edited by Minstrel SE; 13-07-2017 at 17:19.

  9. #39
    Join Date: Oct 2012

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post
    Brave indeed, Martin.

    What I would say is that in my experience, to reach a similar level of sound quality from digital that I have attained in vinyl playback, it would cost thousands. I'm pretty sure it could cost about £10k. There is not digital source that I have heard or tried that gets near it.

    I agree that these hipster types are pushing the cost of vinyl up and the urgency or remastering classic albums may be driving the quality down.

    As for pop and clicks, it gets better with better gear. I remember thinking when I got a bit higher in the food chain that my Vinyls surface noise improved as much as the gear I was using.

    A record cleaner held massively too. In real usage terms, I am pretty sure it's not that easy to wear a record out either.

    If you want to see why most of us audio-fools choose vinyl, listen to a very good setup.

    Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
    I would say the exact opposite!! Any CD player, no matter how bad, still sounds very good.... To match even the cheapest CD player would take around £1200+ (new prices) from vinyl.
    Arkless Electronics-Engineered to be better. Tel. 01670 530674 (after 1pm)

    Modded Thorens TD150, Audio Technica AT-1005 MkII, Technics EPC-300MC, Arkless Hybrid MC phono stage, Arkless passive pre, Arkless 50WPC Class A SS power amp, (or) Arkless modded Leak Stereo 20, Modded Kef Reference 105/3's
    ReVox PR99, Studer B62, Ferrograph Series 7, Tandberg TCD440, Hitachi FT-5500MkI, also FT-5500MkII
    Digital: Yamaha CDR-HD1500 (Digital Swiss army knife-CD recorder, player, hard drive, DAC and ADC in one), PC files via 24/96 sound card and SPDIF, modded Philips CD850, modded Philips CD104, modded DPA Little Bit DAC. Sennheiser HD580 cans with Arkless Headphone amp.
    Cables- free interconnects that come with CD players, mains leads from B&Q, dead kettles etc, extension leads from Tesco

  10. #40
    Join Date: Aug 2009

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minstrel SE View Post

    I do enjoy my vinyl but Im getting a bit confused if the emporers new clothes scenario is going on.
    I know what you mean. trouble is I keep hearing vinyl set-ups that are just ridiculously good. We had some of them at the last MiBO. One of them was using a cartridge from 1968. It was as good as anything I've heard digital do, possibly better. You can't just walk into a dealer and walk out with something that good, a lot of time and experience has gone into getting those set-ups so good. Money too.

    Now I can get 90% of that quality from the Parasound cd player I bought on here for 45 quid. That'll do for me. Not as good but close enough and a lot less bother. Not everyone is me though. But my point is if you care about sound quality and really want the best you can't just dally with vinyl, you've got to get serious with it.
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > JM Labs Focal Electra 926.

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