Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
Lol... Deadly so!

Too many anally-retentive nerds/'hi-fi victims' around these parts (and others like them), whose lives continually revolve around dicking about with bits of kit, whilst the real world passes them by

Don't worry I have my life quite in perspective, I think Colin being unwell for so many years has made that happen, it really does teach you what is important in life

While I love my music/hifi it is definitely NOT the most important thing in my life.. enjoying time together doing things we like is at the forefront of everything

I am buying a little sailing dinghy tomorrow which can be sailed, rowed and motored... a real jack of all trades ...master of none maybe but it's a nice little boat and very cheap... I just can't imagine having absolutely nothing to get out on the water with as we both love it... I also purchased a nice little Honda outboard for it tonight so all ready to go.. the Honda was soooo cheap it was a joke.. my favourite outboard motor of all time... so for just a few hundred £'s we can both get out on the water with very little effort

Can't wait to sail the dinghy as I've never sailed a dinghy before as we got straight into large sailing boats, upto 32', and completely 'missed' the dinghy bit