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Thread: Waiting for the Truth

  1. #61
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    Quote Originally Posted by struth View Post
    Remember he is not representing his company, if he has one as he is not trade here, so cant behave in that manner
    Yes, he would need a trade account if he wants to do that. That's up to him of course. It may be he is not bothered. From the perspective of potential European purchasers there are no statutory returns on items mail ordered from the USA, and a thousand pounds is too much to spend on a blind punt (for me, anyway).
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > JM Labs Focal Electra 926.

  2. #62
    RothwellAudio Guest


    This is complete guesswork based on nothing more than the sketchy information given on the website and in previous posts, but the circuit maybe uses a linear optocoupler to eliminate the need for a conventional pot volume control. Here's some information on one such optocoupler:

    As you can see from the application notes, the number of circuit possibilities is enormous - but claims of "nothing in the signal path" would appear to be wholly inappropriate, especially since there are two video buffers in the circuit as well. Having said that, the idea of having nothing in the signal path doesn't particularly excite me anyway. Also, The Truth might not use anything like the optocouplers in the link. Like I said, I'm just guessing.

  3. #63
    Join Date: Feb 2017

    Location: Leesville, SC, USA

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    I'm Ed.


    Hi Rothwell, I built my first electronics back in 1969. I'm well aware of what is in a chip I also just like to make it simple for folks that are not technical. Of course there has to be something in the circuit or there would be no circuit! I really don't see the need to go all the way with...."there are no additional capacitors, resistors or potentiometers in series with the circuit, only the ones that make the circuit inside of the buffer and 2 photocells" See how silly that sounds and is no more descriptive!
    Thanks for the comments guys! I'll do my best to just answer questions if need be!

  4. #64
    Join Date: Feb 2017

    Location: Leesville, SC, USA

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    Rothwell, not even a close guess. There is nothing there similar. I never even looked at a data sheet or ways to use the cells. The Truth does not use optocouplers and yes, I did try them. No, they are not suited for audio in spite of the fact some use them. There are valid reasons I say this but I'm not going to tell because that would be unkind to those that use them....they already know the problems and work around them as best they can. The circuit is trickier than it seems and does not actually work like most guess it would. It is NOT built like a line stage that simply replaced the pot. with cells! I built the first one 6 1/2 years ago. Arthur brought it to the world and I'll always be grateful for that. We had never met or spoken before he got ahold of one. Having anything in the path other than what is there would wreck the slew rate (200V/microsecond) at least, I think....so it is not bandwidth limited and is direct coupled.
    ***** Rothwell, the 2 buffers and cells are the circuit! The rest of the stuff is to make it work and none of it is in series with the circuit but technically speaking the complete circuit is just those 4 bits. It's nothing like anything you have seen, I'm sure. You'll need to put on your thinking cap to figure out exactly how it operates and then the trick is how to make it do the magic. Knowing how and building it are not the same. Theory is one thing putting it into practice is another.

    I think I've beat this dead horse enough. I have never said anything intentionally misleading but I'm not going to tell how to build one either! BTW....the values and type of cells are important. I went through 20 different values and types to get the "right one'. The good news is they don't have part numbers on them and they can not be guessed as to which value and brand they are by measuring them

  5. #65
    RothwellAudio Guest


    Sorry, I should have realised it does not use optocouplers. Your website says "It uses photo cells to control the volume. It does not use optocouplers" but for some reason I remembered it as being the other way round, ie using optocouplers rather than photo cells.

    Anyway, I understand you prefering to keep the circuit a secret - I prefer not to give away too many of my secrets too

  6. #66
    RothwellAudio Guest


    Come on Jez, you're just jealous 'cos your stuff doesn't have a 60MHz bandwidth
    I'm not far off - just another 59.9MHz to go

  7. #67
    Join Date: Dec 2015

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    I think that's a bit strong jez. And I have an almost perfect passive, and compared to the the Truth it is very veiled. The Truth cannot remix a track and add instruments that were not there before. As I have already said I'm trying to understand the mechanism and why it's so astonishing. As the only member, that I know of who has actually heard it or owns it im qualified to comment on its abilities if not the technology. But to trash a decent guys approach that really does deliver on its promises when 99% of the usual SS shite actually doesn't is a bit churlish.

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  8. #68
    RothwellAudio Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by ed schilling View Post
    Rothwell, the 2 buffers and cells are the circuit! The rest of the stuff is to make it work and none of it is in series with the circuit but technically speaking the complete circuit is just those 4 bits.
    Ok, so the obvious ways to accomplish that are
    1) attenuate the signal using LDRs to form a potential divider, then follow with a buffer.
    2) put the LDRs in the feedback loop to alter the gain and control the volume. This would presumably involve using the opamp in inverting mode.

  9. #69
    Join Date: Feb 2017

    Location: Leesville, SC, USA

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    I'm Ed.


    Hey guys, y'all have me LOL. The bandwidth is what it is, so is the slew rate and the infinite input impedance as well as the 3 ohm output impedance and I'm sorry if that is just too hard to believe and it's not my fault nothing else comes close, it is what it is........and yes, some video buffers are actually well known for their use in audio. I could care less who believes what , it is what it is, and there is nothing else like it unless someone has stolen my idea. It should be noted that I do refund purchase price regardless of where you live and I give a 1010 year warranty which BTW is 990 years longer than Bryston. An additional 1000 yrs, can be purchased for only $199 (highly recommended).

    Please, if this post is too much, please just delete it. I truly am only trying to explain things.

  10. #70
    Join Date: Feb 2013

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    As you say Ed, it is what it is. Ive an open mind...If folk dont wish to believe, then fair enough, but please folks, no insults..thanks
    Grant .... ؠ ......Don't be such a big girl's blouse

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