AT LAST! AT LONG LAST, it's possible to get the audio quality from iTunes in Windows that you could get from the likes of Foobar. I've just stumbled across this totally by accident this morning whilst playing with Windows 7. This is only applicable to anyone with either Windows 7 or Vista though.

Download the latest iTunes for PC (which comes with QuickTime as ever), then start QuickTime and go into Edit > Preferences and choose the Audio tab. Here, you have 3 options for where to output sound - Standard DirectSound, Safe mode or Windows Audio Session. Choosing the latter routes everything through WASAPI. It doesn't work in exclusive mode, but it does give you 'bit perfect' output. Now go back to iTunes and start enjoying your music like it's never sounded through iTunes before.

Then, if you're inclined to do so, do a comparison between Windows Audio Session and DirectSound and prepare for a shock.