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Thread: Could I just remind folks......

  1. #31
    Join Date: Jan 2008

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    The problem IMO is the poncey names, which are non-intuitive. Simply re-naming 'Artist's Palette' as 'Accessories' and 'Strokes of Genius' as 'Reviews' will solve the problem and reduce the mods' workload.
    Poncy? Hush they mouth!

    What, and make AoS the same as every other forum, with a generic and soulless 'IT-style' template?

    The 'arty theme' is fundamental to the site's identity, so we're very focussed on protecting that, even if it means having to create threads like this every so often to remind members of how the forum should be used.

    When you sign up and join our community, you're also signing up to adhering to our ethos, and part of that involves doing things the 'AoS way', such as posting threads in the right areas of the forum and respecting the deliberate arty theme, which correlates with various aspects of audio.

    Doing as you suggest, although perhaps reducing our workload, would completely defeat the purpose of naming the forum 'The Art of Sound', which is where all the room names stem from. Therefore, we're determined to maintain the identity of the site, even if it sometimes means a little more work, and gently reminding our members how they should use the forum.

    Even if only a handful of folk have paid any attention, then starting this discussion will have been worthwhile

    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  2. #32
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

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    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for your input.

    Quote Originally Posted by Scooby View Post
    I have to say I agree. I also think 2000 is an odd choice as Jez rightly points out that much of the 90s stuff is either still going or indistinguishable from new gear.

    On top of that, forum members tend to buy a lot of 80s and 90s gear, so there is a risk of most threads ending up in one category. Are we really to lump all amps, CD players, speakers, Tuners etc in ONE category because they are of a certain age.
    YES! That's precisely how the more 'specialist' areas of the forum are maintained and kept alive!

    The point is that Blank Canvas is seen as the main hi-fi area of the forum, so if it's filled with discussions of vintage hi-fi equipment, it gives newbies and onlookers the false impression that AoS is a 'vintage hi-fi site', when that is far from the case. Therefore, modern/new and currently available equipment should be discussed in BC, in order to dilute that impression and provide a more balanced and realistic one.

    Yes, we we love good vintage gear, but we're also into music streaming, modifications to equipment using the latest technology, DIY builds and all sorts of stuff - and that's precisely why those topics all have their own dedicated areas which we ask members to use. Therefore, if 'Past Masters' (the vintage section) is inundated with discussions of equipment, such as you've outlined, then so be it. It's obviously what people want to talk about

    In any case, discussion topics tend to go in cycles, so one week it'll be vintage-orientated, next digital, then cables and accessories, etc, so soon enough, folk will post threads in Blank Canvas again about new gear, which will kick off discussion about that and diversify things again, which is exactly how a vibrant and varied forum should be - and we wouldn't want to stifle that, so that's precisely why we do what we do.

    The other thing which is important, is that AoS is seen by many as a 'reference source' for various types of information (hence 'The Knowledge', etc), and so it's very important that popular topics are thus 'categorised' for ease of reference later, by those seeking that information, which is precisely why audio discussion here is separated out, and not all lumped into the one bit.

    If so, I think it's the wrong choice. Surely a 90s and 21st century amp have more in common with each other that a 90s amp and a 90s CD player. I'd respectfully say the Original post needs a re-think.
    Point taken (referring also to what Macca said), so consider the date for 'vintage qualification' changed to 1990!

    I should also point out that, out with of Blank Canvas, which we rigidly want to keep as 'vintage free', it's inevitable that some of the specialist areas of the forum (such as Digital Expressions and Analogue Art) will become populated with discussions about both current and vintage equipment - and that's fine, as long as the *bulk* of discussion about vintage gear takes place in Past Masters.

    The way to decide whether, say, topics about CDPs or turntables should be posted in either Digital Expressions/Analogue Art, or instead in Past Masters, is to know whether or not the items concerned predate 1990, and if so, they simply go into Past Masters.

    It ain't rocket science, folks!

    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  3. #33
    Join Date: Jul 2011

    Location: Northamptonshire

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    I'm Peter.


    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post

  4. #34
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

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    I'm AudioAl'sArbiterForPISHANTO.


    Hi Deano,

    Quote Originally Posted by British high fidelity View Post
    Marco, points well said, however using this forum from an android phone the info you state does not show in selection of sub forums for instance if I go into Sub-Forum and select artists palette then it immediately takes me into that posting area there is no Sub-Forums after that, maybe it's a tap talk problem, I think this is where people are getting confused, if like me they use a smart phone ��
    Bloody smart phones! Good point, and as I only ever access the Internet (or AoS) via a laptop, I have no idea what folk see (or don't see) on mobile phones, with Tapatalk.

    However, sub-forums aside, common sense should still dictate, when reading the main headings, that for example, a discussion about CD players, belongs in DIGITAL (there's the big clue, lol) Expressions, not Blank Canvas, which is the place to discuss topics that don't have their own dedicated sections on the forum.....

    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  5. #35
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

    Posts: 110,012
    I'm AudioAl'sArbiterForPISHANTO.


    Quote Originally Posted by petrat View Post
    Have you never seen the food and drink bit before, Peter?

    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  6. #36
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    I'm Martin.


    Quote Originally Posted by Joe View Post
    The problem IMO is the poncey names, which are non-intuitive. Simply re-naming 'Artist's Palette' as 'Accessories' and 'Strokes of Genius' as 'Reviews' will solve the problem and reduce the mods' workload.
    An interesting idea but taken to it's logical conclusion it would be very odd.

    I think you should put it to the test first. Write to the TV companies and suggest they do the same with the titles of their shows.

    'Grand Designs' could become 'Rich People Build Ugly Houses'

    'The One Show' could be re-titled 'Teatime Filler For Old People'

    'Countryfile' = 'Tea-Time Filler For Old People (Countryside Version)'

    'BBC News' would become 'The Establishment Propaganda Show'

    and so forth.

    Oh, I forgot: You don't watch the telly.
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > JM Labs Focal Electra 926.

  7. #37
    Join Date: Mar 2012

    Location: London and Somerset

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    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post

    'BBC News' would become 'The Establishment Propaganda Show'

    So true.
    Kraken, Saturn, Emotion, Flying V Rocket, Planets.

  8. #38
    Join Date: Jan 2008

    Location: Wrexham, North Wales, UK

    Posts: 110,012
    I'm AudioAl'sArbiterForPISHANTO.


    Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
    An interesting idea but taken to it's logical conclusion it would be very odd.

    I think you should put it to the test first. Write to the TV companies and suggest they do the same with the titles of their shows.

    'Grand Designs' could become 'Rich People Build Ugly Houses'

    'The One Show' could be re-titled 'Teatime Filler For Old People'

    'Countryfile' = 'Tea-Time Filler For Old People (Countryside Version)'

    'BBC News' would become 'The Establishment Propaganda Show'

    and so forth.

    Oh, I forgot: You don't watch the telly.


    Main System

    Turntable: Heavily-modified Technics SL-1210MK5G [Mike New bearing/ETP platter/Paul Hynes SR7 PSU & reg mods]. Funk Firm APM Achromat/Nagaoka GL-601 Crystal Record Weight/Isonoe feet & boots/Ortofon RS-212D/Denon DL-103GL in Denon PCL-300 headshell with Funk Firm Houdini/Kondo SL-115 pure-silver cartridge leads.

    Paul Hynes MC head amp/SR5 PSU. Also modded Lentek head amp/Denon AU-310 SUT.

    Other Cartridges: Nippon Columbia (NOS 1987) Denon DL-103. USA-made Shure SC35C with NOS stylus. Goldring G820 with NOS stylus. Shure M55E with NOS stylus.

    CD Player: Audiocom-modified Sony X-777ES/DAS-R1 DAC.

    Tape Deck: Tandberg TCD 310, fully restored and recalibrated as new, by RDE, plus upgraded with heads from the TCD-420a. Also with matching TM4 Norway microphones.

    Preamps: Heavily-modified Croft Charisma-X. LDR Stereo Coffee. Power Amps: Tube Distinctions Copper Amp fitted with Tungsol KT-150s. Quad 306.

    Cables & Sundries: Mark Grant HDX1 interconnects and digital coaxial cable, plus Mark Grant 6mm UP-LCOFC Van Damme speaker cable. MCRU 'Ultimate' mains leads. Lehmann clone headphone amp with vintage Koss PRO-4AAA headphones.

    Tube Distinctions digital noise filter. VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine.

    Speakers: Tannoy 15MGs in Lockwood cabinets with modified crossovers. 1967 Celestion Ditton 15.


    Also **SAY NO** to unjust 'vaccine passports' or certificates, which are totally incompatible with a FREE society!!!

  9. #39
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    Quote Originally Posted by jollyfix View Post
    So true.
    Yes, sorry, little bit of politics there, but seriously though, do we really want to live in a world where Hemingway's 'A Farewell To Arms' is retitled 'Some Bloke Gets Drunk a Lot and Rambles'?

    The survivors would envy the dead.
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > JM Labs Focal Electra 926.

  10. #40
    Join Date: Feb 2008

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    I thoroughly agree that people should try and post stuff in the right place. I certainly have got it wrong in the past, and probably will again in the future.

    Found an interesting one, Bargains on eBay is under Past Masters, but of course there are plenty of non vintage Hi Fi bargains on eBay.

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