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Thread: PetRat HiFi

  1. #141
    lordmortlock Guest


    Really interested to hear more about the LCR Peter. Quite tempted myself, seems excellent vfm. How does it compare to the Edwards?

  2. #142
    Join Date: Aug 2012

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    Hat's off. Totally class.

  3. #143
    Join Date: Jul 2011

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    I'm Peter.


    Been playing the Lounge Audio over the weekend.

    Last edited by petrat; 27-07-2015 at 11:15.

  4. #144
    Join Date: Jul 2011

    Location: Northamptonshire

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    I'm Peter.

    Default Lounge Audio mk3

    I was intrigued enough to buy this 'blind' on the basis of having heard an up-market LCR phono-stage on several occasions, coupled with rave reviews for it on the internet (although mostly from people upgrading from integrated stages and/or comparing with entry-level stand-alones). Anyway, clearly I was hoping for some of that high end performance at a budget price point. I mean, I have owned cables costing four times this! Bought direct from the manufacturer in USA, $300 exchanged as £241.78 incl postage, then HM Customs grabbed another £52.90, so just under three hundred quid when all done. Delivery was prompt, too, taking less than a fortnight.

    So, I have been using it with both my usual Hashimoto SUT + mc cartridges, and also a newly acquired Audio Technica 440MLb mm jobbie. First thing to say, is that its noise floor seems quieter than the quoted -74dB would indicate ... only very slight residual hiss at extreme volume. This helps with low level detail. It took a little while to come on song, but once going it started to impress. One of the areas that I was most sceptical about was the use of op-amps, which IME add a slight, but unpleasant, signature sound to everything they touch. No sign of that here, though. Tone and timbre are excellent, with the overall presentation being similar to a good valve phono-stage. Relaxed, coherent and spacious, there is a good 3D sound-stage, with instruments placed accurately. Dynamics are more than adequate, with plenty of detail being present, but integrated into the music. However, if you value a presentation that highlights forensic detail and hi-fi-spectacular dynamics, then you may not be so impressed. But, IMO, this is more realistic, and particularly suits acoustic music, jazz and classical.

    In some ways, it reminds me of a well-fettled EAR 834P in its presentation. To my ears, there is an ever so slight (and I mean very slight) bass emphasis, which works well IMO. Whether this is a US preference, or whether voiced for stand-mount speakers, it only adds to its appeal for me. Overall, this isn't quite in the same league as something like the Vida or my Shindo, but it's way, way better than £300 would suggest. It looks cool too, with the blue glow top
    Last edited by petrat; 27-07-2015 at 20:03. Reason: clarification

  5. #145
    Join Date: Apr 2012

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    Quote Originally Posted by petrat View Post
    it reminds me of a well-fettled EAR 834P in its presentation.
    It probably wouldn't appeal to me then. But there's no doubt that it is good value.
    It is impossible for anything digital to sound analogue, because it isn't analogue!

  6. #146
    Join Date: Jul 2011

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    Really interested to hear more about the LCR Peter. Quite tempted myself, seems excellent vfm. How does it compare to the Edwards?

    Hi Jake.

    As you may already know, the Edwards is a very good, highly adjustable, ss phono-stage, and has the classical attributes of the breed .. in spades. IMO, the Lounge Audio is a slightly different beast, perhaps best viewed as a fuss-free version of a good valve phono-stage. It doesn't have the last smidgen of transparency that the best have, but it's darned close. For someone with a high-end stage already, this would be an excellent 2nd system/back up choice. PM me if any specific questions.

    Cheers, Peter

  7. #147
    Join Date: Jul 2011

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    Quote Originally Posted by walpurgis View Post
    It probably wouldn't appeal to me then. But there's no doubt that it is good value.
    Hi Geoff.

    'In some ways' ... 'well fettled' ... was what I said . Actually, it is more transparent than the EAR, but shares its focus on'integration' of the music ... and costs about a thousand pounds less. I have found that it strikes a good middle-way between the differing presentations of my Edwards MC3 ss and my Shindo valve stages. Actually, I am not wholly convinced it's fully run in yet, so maybe a bit more to come?

  8. #148
    Join Date: Apr 2012

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    Yes. In value for money terms. The 834P is not a bargain soundwise. I had the MC version for some time. The integral SUTs are dull and unrevealing (I used a separate one) and the general presentation, although pleasant is not the last word in grip or accuracy. Out of curiosity, I bought a Graham Slee ERA V Gold with PSU-1 to try, having read good reviews and it trounced the EAR in every respect. I kept the ERA V Gold for some years.
    It is impossible for anything digital to sound analogue, because it isn't analogue!

  9. #149
    Join Date: Jul 2011

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    Yes, agree about the 834P ... the mc transformers can easily be improved upon. Better as a mm only device.

    In my clumsy way, I was trying to say that the Lounge Audio presents the music in an integrated fashion, rather than separating out all the component parts, like some do.

    I forgot to mention that I have been very impressed with the AT440MLb when combined with the Lounge ... they do seem to complement each other exceptionally well, with the cartridge's detail and excellent high frequency performance (both no doubt due to the stylus) adding to the phono-stage's strengths. Some of the best results I've ever had from a mm cart Enjoying them now, and wondering whether I actually need anything 'better'

  10. #150
    lordmortlock Guest


    Really interesting, thanks Peter. I think I'll give one of these a go.

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