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Thread: Psst!!.....D'yer wanna buy a........

  1. #31
    Join Date: Jan 2013

    Location: North East

    Posts: 12,011
    I'm Alan.


    I like the Music themed picture..Can you tell me where I can get one..thanks..Alan..
    Quote Originally Posted by MartinT View Post
    The thing to remember about Flickr is you don't want all the embed code. When you copy it you get, for instance, this:

    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/martinwtaylor/10427215903/" title="ASC Picture Panel by martinwtaylor, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2867/10427215903_b578959aec_b.jpg" width="1024" height="684" alt="ASC Picture Panel"></a>

    All you need is this bit (igmore the leading apostrophe to stop vBulletin from linking it):

    Put it inside IMG tags and you're done!

    My example rendered:

  2. #32
    Join Date: Oct 2011

    Location: Charente, France

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    I'm Nodrog.



  3. #33
    Join Date: Nov 2011

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    I'm fuckoff.


    Photobucket makes it really easy, all you need to do is once the image is uploaded is pick from a list of four types of link.

    'Image' being one of them, as soon as you've clicked on the text, it auto-copies it, so then all you need to do is paste it in the text box heres a Pete's your auntie, easy!

  4. #34
    MartinT Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by mad-moon View Post
    I like the Music themed picture..Can you tell me where I can get one..thanks..Alan..
    Hi Alan

    They are room treatment panels, disguised as pictures. I have used two suppliers for my nice panels:
    ASC (Acoustic Sciences Corp) in the USA - PicturePanels
    GIK in the UK - ArtPanels

    Both highly recommended, GIK are cheaper and no import duty.

  5. #35
    MartinT Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Gordon Steadman View Post

  6. #36
    synsei Guest


    The AoS private sales image post service welcomes Monty as its first client today The service could do with a snappier title though, any ideas?

  7. #37
    Join Date: Oct 2011

    Location: Charente, France

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    I'm Nodrog.


    Quote Originally Posted by MartinT View Post
    Thanks Martin, just goes to show that even with the dimmest lamp, some light is possible.

  8. #38
    Join Date: Feb 2008

    Location: France. Yup, still France>

    Posts: 640
    I'm Stu.


    Quote Originally Posted by Gordon Steadman View Post
    Got one very much like that and love it.
    Hifi Pig snoofling out what's hot in hifi.

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