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Thread: Beresford Caiman SEG (TC-7535) - Upgrade from Bushmaster MKII - What a difference!

  1. #1
    Join Date: Oct 2014

    Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

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    I'm Les.

    Cool Beresford Caiman SEG (TC-7535) - Upgrade from Bushmaster MKII - What a difference!

    Hi Everyone,

    I rarely post on here but felt compelled to do so today after receiving my replacement DAC this morning.
    In fairness my broader knowledge of how other systems sound is sparse, I have nothing to compare it against so I can only offer completely subjective view.

    Previous set up:

    PC>Asynch-1>coax>Bushmaster mkII>RCA>5-pin DIN > Sugden A48>Monitor Audio Bronze BX2


    PC>Asynch-1>coax>Caiman SEG >RCA>5-pin DIN > Sugden A48>Monitor Audio Bronze BX2

    So you see it's a fairly low budget set up...but previous config was genuinely okay, I blamed a lot of the issues I had on the way the room is set up - it's definitely not optimal - but thought I would embark upon a gradual upgrade of components to see where I can get to.

    First thing I found after incorporating the SEG was that my PC generates quite a bit of high frequency buzzy noise when connecting going PC>USB out of the tweeters, but even with that constant niggly buzz, everything sounded clearer, the bass was much tighter (again, room is not optimal).

    I was in the fortunate position of being able to identify where the issue was occurring and change the source. When played through the laptop (on battery), just the insertion of the DAC made a huge difference to the previous config.

    I was able to A/B the sound between the Caiman and the Bushmaster and, (forgive me, I have neither the hearing nor the lingo to describe it in quantifiable terms) there was a substantial difference in the detail...the definition, bass MUCH tighter, a broader sound-stage I thought. With the Bushmaster everything seemed closer together and a bit kinda mushy; with the SEG - more separation, more space.

    I asked Stan Beresford for all the upgrades he could squeeze into it. I felt somewhat apprehensive at how much that might cost, but the full 9-yards was around £80 extra.

    I also bought the Dorado II power supply - I honestly can't comment on that as I really can't compare it to anything.

    However, that's probably enough. I can clearly hear a substantial difference between my 6 or seven year old DAC an my new Caiman SEG.

    I think (for what that's worth) that any substantial, tangible improvement to one's set up is an absolute result. I can't comment on the difference the upgrades made over the stock version but I swear I couldn't be any happier with this Hi-Fi upgrade.

    Thanks to everyone on this forum that turned me on to Stan's gear, it really has revitalized my listening experience and improved it to the point where, for the next few months at least, I couldn't be happier with the set-up.

    Thanks AoS and Stan, top job everyone.

    I apologise for a less than objective post but really tangible changes, really beneficial changes are rare and often very expensive, so I think, AoS and Stan B. should be lauded.

    P.S. ...I'm gonna buy one of those cheap single-ended Chinese Valve amps next to see how that works out, might be several months down the road but I will surely post how I get on with it.
    Last edited by atumshie; 04-11-2020 at 21:33. Reason: Syntax, spelling, vibe, waffle

  2. #2
    Join Date: Dec 2013

    Location: New Zealand

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    I'm Jerry.


    Next positive change for the SEG is to upgrade the fuse.

  3. #3
    Join Date: May 2012

    Location: Toulouse, France

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    I'm Kevin.


    How does 20mm of a different material change the sound?

    I had my seg upgraded with supercapacitors, new clocks and better RCA sockets. Seemed like better value for money than "foo"se.

    Too busy enjoying the music....

    European loan coordinator for Graham Slee HiFi system components..

  4. #4
    Join Date: Oct 2014

    Location: Guilford, UK

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    Quote Originally Posted by atumshie View Post

    PC>Asynch-1>coax>Caiman SEG >RCA
    Hi Les

    I've just made the same upgrade as you. I've not A/Bed it as I'm a bit tired out from a load of other comparisons I was making recently, and I'm trusting to my memory of the Bushmaster. Pleased overall.

    Question for you though. Have you tried with and without the Asynch 1?

    I'm wondering if this is worthwhile for me to look at. I don't know if it's just me being rubbish, but I can't find it on Stan's site to buy, but I'm sure I could contact him for one if it's going to be worthwhile.

    Interested if you or anyone have any views.

    I also want to get around to comparing my RPi with Digi HAT to the PC USB source, thinking the latter should be better as many people on here seem to have gone that way, possibly in preference to expensive dedicated hifi streamers.

    Last edited by Feet; 20-12-2020 at 10:05.

  5. #5
    Join Date: Dec 2013

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    Quote Originally Posted by CageyH View Post
    How does 20mm of a different material change the sound?

    I had my seg upgraded with supercapacitors, new clocks and better RCA sockets. Seemed like better value for money than "foo"se.

    My initial review of the SR Orange fuses in amp and SEG:

    Base stronger - seems to hang in the air.
    Instrument separation more discernible.
    Again, hearing things in tracks I'd never heard before.

    Overall, a huge A+ in my view

  6. #6
    Join Date: Dec 2013

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    Have a few USB SPIDF converters.
    Recommended as a stepping stone/intro by Coherent Systems.

    Started with a M2Tech Hiface 2 on my work system.
    Nice and simple, and an improvement.
    Then a BNC Halide Bridge on my home system.
    Definite benefits (as well as one cable).
    Have since added an Aqvox power supply for the Halide Bridge.

    Have recently bought a Hiface Evo 2, combined with an Evo Clock and Evo Power Supply, as well as an RCA Halide Bridge.

    Need to sell the Hiface 2, Evo and BNC Halide Bridge in the New Year.
    Last edited by Jerry B; 20-12-2020 at 20:45.

  7. #7
    Join Date: Feb 2008

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    Glad to see that you are happy with the upgrades Brett

  8. #8
    Join Date: Dec 2013

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    Quote Originally Posted by StanleyB View Post
    Glad to see that you are happy with the upgrades Brett
    First impressions are very good Stan.
    Very happy with my purchase.

    Not lots of listening yet. I have to wait until school starts up in Feb next year.

  9. #9
    Join Date: May 2012

    Location: Toulouse, France

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry B View Post
    My initial review of the SR Orange fuses in amp and SEG:

    Base stronger - seems to hang in the air.
    Instrument separation more discernible.
    Again, hearing things in tracks I'd never heard before.

    Overall, a huge A+ in my view
    So this is a directional fuse in AC powerline?
    Yes, I am sceptical. I guess I need to try one to see if it makes any noticeable difference.

    Too busy enjoying the music....

    European loan coordinator for Graham Slee HiFi system components..

  10. #10
    Join Date: Apr 2012

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    For mains use, how would you pick which direction a directional fuse points in and what difference might this make?
    It is impossible for anything digital to sound analogue, because it isn't analogue!

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