My main DAC is a Bryston BDA-1. It replaced a M2Tech Young. Not a huge difference between the two soundwise. The Bryston isn't as up front as the M2Tech, but that's not a bad thing. What I really like about the Bryston is that it a good quality DAC with lots of input choices. I've got all my digital equipment connected to it and still have inputs to spare. The Bryston is the best sounding DAC I've owned, but I'd happily live with the M2Tech.

My office system has a Peachtree DAC-IT. I've only recently put it into that system. I'd forgotten just what a lovely DAC it is (I'm rather glad it didn't sell when I advetised it recently). The Peachtree was my main DAC before the M2Tech.

The Peachtree surplanted a Musical Fidelity V-DAC (which it also did in my main system). The V-DAC is fine but has no where near as much insight and musicality as the Peachtree.

Before the V-DAC I had a Mission DAC5 - which is now in my father's system. That was a step up from using a CD in standalone mode, but the V-DAC was better.

My first DAC, which I still have, was a QED Digit.

I really ought to get round to selling the V-DAC and QED as both are surplus.

Oh. And I also have a Chord Mojo, which is very nice. Probably near the Bryston and M2Tech level - though difficult to compare as I've only ever used it with headphones. I've tried a few headphone DAC and the Mojo's on a whole different level.