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Thread: Sneak preview - New Miniblocks

  1. #1
    Join Date: Oct 2012

    Location: The Black Country

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    I'm Alan.

    Default Sneak preview - New Miniblocks

    In development .........

    Linear psu, class D, 50W into 8 ohm.

    I love Hendrix for so many reasons. He was so much more than just a blues guitarist - he played damn well any kind of guitar he wanted. In fact I'm not sure if he even played the guitar - he played music. - Stevie Ray Vaughan

  2. #2
    Bigman80 Guest


    Haha, Miniblocks!!! I love the name. Look great mate.

  3. #3
    Join Date: Apr 2012

    Location: N E Kent

    Posts: 51,626
    I'm Geoff.


    Look good. Bet they run nice and cool.

    Wouldn't be paralled TPA3116 chips by any chance?

  4. #4
    Join Date: Mar 2008

    Location: Galashiels

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    I'm inthescottishmafia.


    Very bijou!
    “Music has always been a matter of energy to me, a question of fuel. Sentimental people call it inspiration, but what they really mean is fuel. I have always needed fuel. I am a serious consumer. On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio”

    Hunter S Thompson

  5. #5
    Bigman80 Guest


    Had a listen to these little beauties today. I absolutely love the styling, the cases are diminutive but VERY heavy!

    Comparisons against the Behemoth sized Krell weren't fair but the little Miniblocks (for the money) sounded great. Pushing the boundaries in terms of SQ v Cost these little beasties are going to cost under £250 I believe, which is outrageously good.

    Certainly good enough for a second system and I'm seriously considering setting up a 'budget' system with these and the upcoming OTP3!!!

    Great work again, Alan.

    Pics for scale

  6. #6
    Join Date: Apr 2012

    Location: N E Kent

    Posts: 51,626
    I'm Geoff.


    I believe they use the same TPA3116 Class D chip that's in the little Chinese amp I've been banging on about.

  7. #7
    Bigman80 Guest


    Could do, Geoff.

    They didn't have the "human" sound of the Krell, as i call it, but i felt they were very clean sounding and certainly far better than the cost should suggest. £200!!

    I was impressed sufficiently. If your little box is as good as these, i doth my cap. The Chinese are coming to take over!! Well, maybe not just yet lol

  8. #8
    Join Date: Apr 2012

    Location: N E Kent

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    I'm Geoff.


    Dunno . With the SMPS the amp cost me about £25. It reminds me of the SM-70 very much. Power is probably about the same too.

  9. #9
    Bigman80 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by walpurgis View Post
    Dunno . With the SMPS the amp cost me about £25. It reminds me of the SM-70 very much. Power is probably about the same too.
    i think Alan said these push 50w per Miniblock. If youre reminded of the monarchy, thats remarkably good money for the performance Geoff. I'm looking at ultra low budget DACs at the minute. China is awash with them. Topping are getting good press.

  10. #10
    Join Date: Apr 2012

    Location: N E Kent

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    I'm Geoff.


    Quote Originally Posted by Bigman80 View Post
    Topping are getting good press.
    Don't know about their DAC's, but I tried their big Class D TP60 integrated amp and wasn't particularly struck. It did nothing wrong, but was just a bit dull and two dimensional. Nicely made though.

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