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Thread: My Technics SL1200 MKII journey

  1. #1
    Join Date: Mar 2018

    Location: Battle, East Sussex

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    I'm Lee.

    Default My Technics SL1200 MKII journey

    Hi guys,

    I recently bought a Technics SL1200 MK2 as a simple way to start listening to vinyl again. I sent it to Richard Talmage at http://www.technics-service.co.uk/ and had it fully serviced, plus a new power switch, and upgraded phono cable and a new arm installed.

    I think it is from the 1980s looking at the serial number and was one owner used soley for hifi listening.

    I have bought a cover to try and keep it in good condition, and a Cherry Audio 5mm platter mat, although the pictures are showing th original rubber mat and also an XTC1 mat.

    With the technics I am going to be using an Angle Audio MM preamp or a Yaqin ms 12b phono stage into my EL34 Symphonic Audio Valve Amp which is hard wired point to point. I bought this in the late 2000's from a dealer in Hong Kong via ebay. I have yet to decide on a cartridge to use with the Technics, but have the following to choose from Shure M75ed typeII, Shure M95ed, Shure M97xe, Pickering v15 625e. I think I may also have a Nagoika MP100 as well to try.

    I’m looking forward finally listening to music seriously again soon later this year when my energy allows me to.

    I have been reading some of the forum posts and have various plans for upgrades along the way. I want to take my time and get used to the 'stock sound before making changes to really appreciate and enjoy the journey.

    The journey begins

    Last edited by eldarvanyar; 26-03-2018 at 20:14.
    It’s about the music
    70s Retro Yamaha YP800TT, CA1000Mk2, CT1010

  2. #2
    Join Date: Aug 2009

    Location: Staffordshire, England

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    I'm Martin.


    Lovely example you have got there. I've got an identical one to that, almost mint. Don't use it that much now but I do like to look at it. 'Form following function' but done superbly.

    You've only got to pick one up to realise it is a serious bit of engineering. And the stainless steel stop/start button, man I never get tired of pressing that.

    Looks like you already upgraded the mat?
    Current Lash Up:

    TEAC VRDS 701T > Sony TAE1000ESD > Krell KSA50S > JM Labs Focal Electra 926.

  3. #3
    Join Date: Sep 2017

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    Quote Originally Posted by eldarvanyar View Post
    I have yet to decide on a cartridge to use with the Technics, but have the following to choose from Shure M75ed typeII, Shure M95ed, Shure M97xe, Pickering v15 625e. I think I may also have a Nagoika MP100 as well to try.
    Of the cartridges you listed, Shure M95 is probably the best. Upgrade it with Jico N95HE stylus and it will sing beautifully.

  4. #4
    Join Date: Mar 2018

    Location: Battle, East Sussex

    Posts: 162
    I'm Lee.


    I was thinking of going with the Shure M95 and putting it in an ebony wooden body.
    It’s about the music
    70s Retro Yamaha YP800TT, CA1000Mk2, CT1010

  5. #5
    Join Date: Nov 2008

    Location: Banbury, Oxfordshire/Panteg is where my late father was born

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    I'm Chris.


    Looks very nice, enjoy the journey and take your time, it can be made to sound very good indeed with a few relatively modest upgrades.

    We've gone on holiday by mistake !

  6. #6
    Join Date: Oct 2015

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    Lovely pics and soooooo much nicer with the silver finish than the 1210 IMO. I think you're right to evaluate the stock version before doing anything more. Looking forward to reading this thread as it develops.

  7. #7
    Join Date: Mar 2018

    Location: Battle, East Sussex

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    I'm Lee.


    I have finally fired up the turntable.

    It has taken me a long time due to various reasons but it’s working now.

    I have placed the TT on top of my Target rack shelf, followed by:
    Audio Quest large Sortbothane feet,
    Heavy wooden chopping board from Argos
    TT on top

    The Audio Technica is an AT 11 that came with it set to 1.75 gms. I think Richard Talmage must have set it all up when he serviced it and installed a new arm and Technics Phono leads.


    This was connected to my Angle Audio MM preamp, Symphonic EL34 Integrated valve amp connected with Van Damme Studio 4mm speaker cable into some Monitor Audio RS8 Speakers sat directly on very heavy speaker stands (I can’t remember which ones at the moment).

    There are still some set up needs such as positioning the speakers properly, installing the spikes, and so on. They were toed in on a rough triangle to where I sat.

    Because I didn’t know the quality of the stylus which looks ok I thought I would try some charity shop records.

    I cleaned as best as I could followed by a carbon brush.

    I started with a second hand Pipes of Peace by Paul McCartney and listened to the first two tracks, 1. Pipes of Peace, 2. Say,Say,Say with Michael Jackson.

    I was impressed with the sound not knowing what to expect from an Audio Technica AT12 as I have never heard an AT before. There was plenty of detail and separation of voices, and a good stereo image despite not being set up very well.

    I then changed from the normal Technics mat to an 3mm XTC 1 Acrylic platter mat, and the volume seemed to drop and the sound was definitely more muddled. I think it may be due to a 2 mm difference with the Technics rubber mat which I think is 5mm. So I would think it would need another 3mm mat underneath to make it work.

    The Technics mat went back on and the volume was back, separation and stereo image.

    I then decided to change to a 5mm Acrylic Platter Mat by Cherry Audio I bought for the Technics earlier this year.


    Wow, the volume seemed louder, more detail, and instruments coming to life, although definitely brighter making the Technics mat sound duller by comparison.
    I didn’t realise the change of a platter mat could make such a difference.

    I then tried out a few more albums but soon realised they need a good wash and clean. My next project is to build a record cleaner, and I have been gathering parts.

    I thought I would then try my new Pathe Wings Record weight clamp thingy which I bought myself for my birthday earlier this year and looks really good.


    I can’t really say I noticed much difference, and probably any difference was subtle unlike the cherry Audio 5mm acrylic mat.

    They cost around the same amount approx £40 and the mat was the better choice although I do like the look of the record weight or HiFi jewellery as I have read some people have called them.


    I know the record is dusty it’s before I cleaned it.

    So far I am very happy with the Technics, and think there are a few more things to help with the sound, techni boots being the next thing followed by trying some different mm cartridges. I also have a yaqin ms12b valve phono preamp I can try at some stage.

    What I have realised though is that the genre of the music, production, mastering and quality and cleanliness make a huge difference. I wondered if the Pipes of Peace album had more spent on it because it was Paul McCartney and some of the other albums were lower budget in recording and mastering.

    After a couple of hours I did find I was struggling a little with fatigue and wonder if some of the voices were ever so slightly distorted, which could be down to the set up of the cartridge or the quality of the AT11. I am not an expert with vinyl as all my listening over the years has been almost entirely CD, but I have to say I am hooked on vinyl now and only really want to buy vinyl in the future.

    Thanks for watching, and more updates when time allows.

    It’s about the music
    70s Retro Yamaha YP800TT, CA1000Mk2, CT1010

  8. #8
    Join Date: Nov 2008

    Location: Banbury, Oxfordshire/Panteg is where my late father was born

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    I'm Chris.


    I've gone back to the standard rubber mat, I was finding the sound with the acrylic mat too bright and clinical, a bit too hifi.
    With the standard mat it just sounds so much more musically involving, yes it does add a bloom and the bass is thicker but it seems to suit my current system really well, I find I'm just enjoying it more.

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  9. #9
    Join Date: Apr 2011

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    Quote Originally Posted by chris@panteg View Post
    I've gone back to the standard rubber mat, I was finding the sound with the acrylic mat too bright and clinical, a bit too hifi.
    With the standard mat it just sounds so much more musically involving, yes it does add a bloom and the bass is thicker but it seems to suit my current system really well, I find I'm just enjoying it more.
    My findings too Chris.

    Tried untold mats and found the standard 3mm softer mat to be as you say, so much more musical and just not doing anything 'offensive' compared to the others.

    They all seemed to either kill or exagerate. Thankfully not experienced any bloom with it on top of the Mike New ETP platter
    My System:
    Amplification - Sansui AU-alpha 707 DR
    Turntable - Technics SP10 MK2-Technics EPA-250 Tonearm-Yannis Tome 423.5Plus tonearm cable-Eichmann KLEI Absolute Harmony plugs.
    Ortofon Cadenza Black moving coil cartridge-Fritz Gyger S re-tip. Panzerholz plinth.

    CDP - Pioneer PD-91
    Speakers - Spendor D7 on Soundcare SuperSpikes
    QED Silver Spiral speaker cable-airloc banana plugs
    Mains - Ultra Pure silver plated un-switched socket-Missing link EPS 500 silver plated plugs-Hi-Fi Tuning gold plated silver ceramic 13 amp fuses

  10. #10
    Join Date: Oct 2014

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    I’ve recently got one of the oyaide rubber mats and it’s the best I’ve tried so far.

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