From my own personal experience the answer is yes. Throughout my hi fi journey I have had mostly low to mid range carts, both MM & MC, Goldring Eroica, 1042, Sumiko Evo 3, Supex 900, DV10x5, Ortofon Rondo Bronze etc. Whenever I have tried more expensive models they have always provided more of everything, eg Ortofon Rohmann, Sumiko Pearwood Celebration ii, Lyra Helikon mono. Now it could be that all they have done is highlight that my sources have been good enough to show any & every difference, which is nice, but for me the differences were worth the extra expenditure every time. One of my decks is a modified Lenco GL75, with a derivative of the standard arm, which I use for old jazz mono records, but I recently fitted the Pearwood cart & took it to a bake off, where it found itself up against a Chord CD.DAC combo, don't know what as I am not into digital. Now obviously it is horses for courses, personal preference or however else you describe digital against analogue, I was told privately by quite a few people there that they preferred the Lenco. I am making no claims of any sort, other than the cartridge lifted the performance of the Lenco to another level.