Hello - I'm a 'new' member - though been signed up for some time - so my first post/thread. Have enjoyed following AoS - knowledgeable and interesting posts.

My current system is Croft 25R preamp, Croft 7R monos, Harbeth 30.1 speakers, Rega Apollo R used as CD transport, Auralic Vega dac, Fidelity HPA100 headphone amp, Audioquest Nighthawk Carbon phones, Musical Fidelity A5 FM/Digital tuner, MacMini for streaming and use Pure Music player and Spotify Premium. Very happy with this system, but always open to changes subject to funds and WAF of course! (Been looking into Leben CS600 recently - but difficult to find used and expensive.) Been through a fair amount of kit over some 45+ years as hifi enthusiast.

Favourite music - quite eclectic from classical to blues and contemporary jazz. Currently listening to GoGO Penguin, Leonard Cohen, Vivavldi, etc.

Like cycling (doing Peaks Sportive next weekend which fills me with trepidation!), running, reading, bit of DIY.

Also a refugee from Hifi Wigwam, and post on PFM as RogerJW.