So, today I noticed my trusty SS McIntosh MA7000 became incontinent... eek...

OK, well, I've never had any problem with it, use it everyday. It never runs hot to the touch (on the heatsinks) or ever seems to break a sweat. Today I was spring cleaning and carefully moved it off its shelf onto a plastic record box so I could clean the shelves. When I went to put it back I noticed a puddle of weird brown liquid had formed under it. Never seen that before. The shelf where it had been standing until today had so sign of fluid or leaks. The liquid is viscous to the touch and has the consistency of motor oil. (see pic)

Looking through the grill I can see some signs of 'leakage' inside too... (see pic 2) strange thing is that the amp was not dropped or anything, and was (seemingly) working fine with no issues until today. What on earth could have caused this?

Can someone tell me what the hell's going on?? I've never seen this from an amp before... or even heard of it happening. A classic car, yes, but an amp...??

Amp is currently disconnected and will remain that way for the foreseeable future until I can get this sorted.
