Hi everyone, I've not been active on this forum for long, so please be gentle with me...
So, I'm considering changing the standard tonearm on my SL-1210Mk2, as you can see from my signature, I've made various mods already and I have the 'itch' to play (and empty my savings account) again.
From what I've read and picked up, the tonearm is another area of improvement for the Technics, so I wondered what opinions from your good fellows are ?
My budget is not massive, ideally I'd love a SME V (hi-fi porn), but I can only dream of one of those, so getting back to reality I'm thinking of a Jelco SA750DB.
I know that these are being discontinued for a new model, but are still in the £500 region.
I really want a detachable headshell option, so I can alternate cartridges, again this limits some options.
So over to you.....
Thanks in advance for any info and advice...Richard