Tonight's Update Pt XXVII - Manning up!

The 99 is very very slowly progressing. The aluminium has now arrived and I marked out a template last night. I also ordered some tin snips to help with the cutting, I don't have access to a laser and my Jigsaw ain't up to the task. I'll be taking the metal fascia production VERY slowly, I'm in no rush and can afford to take my time. I have enough metal to have another two goes if this screws up .

I also managed to find a 3rd matching mounting bolt which I've polished up so we now have 3 original bolts instead of the mish-mash of stuff supplied with the deck. I also managed to do a little research into the serial number of the deck and can confirm that mine dates from 1974. I managed to find two photographs from a G99 invoice for a unit which is a little earlier than my own. This is also very important because it means that the lettering on my deck is also of the correct vintage and I think that my deck must have been one of the last few hundred to be released.


The 99's plinth could do with a little work and I may veneer it at some point or add a little extra mass with some birch ply that I have sitting in the garage. I've always had an eye of the costings for this build and consequently have always tried to use stuff up that is otherwise cluttering up the garage, so the plinth construction is following this philosophy . My SME 3009 also needs a little work and I may also finish off my DECCA mk2 tonearm to mount on this deck, who knows!!! As ever, stay tuned.