Quote Originally Posted by Mike Reed View Post
For what it's worth Eddie, I had my first Lector (2 box) with my 552/135s/ProAc R4s and it stunned everybody who heard it (in their system on one occasion, too).Replaced the very fine Meridian G08. Even the change of 135s to valved mono's didn't change anything. Now I'm all valve, with the 4 box Lector and big ESLs; still complete synergy, and I couldn't see me reverting to a s/s CDP, however good.

Having said that, a dealer dem. of the CDS2 or 3 (I forget), the Linn CD12 and another CDP in my home in 2000 left nobody in the room in any doubt about the superior machine. By quite a margin for musicality par excellence, it was the CD12. At £12K then, however, it really wasn't on the cards !!! The same Naim CDP didn't acquit itself that well at a subsequent dem. at Grahams in north London, either, In an all Naim system BUT with big B & W speakers (not a good match).
The Linn CD12 is a fine machine one of the finest ever made, theres no doubt about that Mike. Never had the privilege myself only heard of the myths, legends and folktales surrounding it.

Quote Originally Posted by struth View Post
lower mains in spain maybe... seems most likely as it happened in 2 different systems. just glad its not faulty
Who knows what's happened here Struth? It could possibly be that. It was seriously frying my brain at one point. I did actually ask Adey prior to the sale, are you sure it'll work over there, but he seemed to think there wouldn't be a problem. Plus I then thought I was being ripped off, you never know who the buyers are as you dont ever meet them and you hear about this thing happening. And its the sellers who usually get shafted in these situations, buyers can even use that to their advantage, it is one of the pitfalls of eBay. I only asked about the power as I've had previous experienced of a Luxman amplifier at one of my previous addresses which I had shipped in from Europe. The seller assured me it would be fine and it was fully tested before leaving. After I let it settle in the room for a few hours I plugged it in and it went up in a 'big' plume of smoke first try.

As I said previously, sending abroad (and even importing) is not something I will even contemplate in future. Maybe dealers have contingency plans to get away with it but I would not ever recommend it for any private seller. Even with our new modern global market place.