I'd like to find a Sansui BA 2000 power amplifier to partner my matching CA 2000 preamp. There's one in Spain advertised on Ebay, but at a price of more than £2000 plus postage - surely too much, or at any rate well beyond what I have to spend. Since these are rare and i may need to wait for quite some time before one comes up that I can afford, can anyone suggest something to keep me going in the meantime? i.e. a musically pleasing, temporary stereo power amplifier to match with my exiting preamp? I'd like something fairly low in price but nonetheless at least medium in power, to drive a pair of Sonus Faber Concertino Domus speakers that I've just acquired for this system. My sources are a Pioneer TX 9100 tuner, a Goldring Lenco GL75 turntable, and a run-of-the-mill Philips CD (even modest Philips CDs can sound good).