Well, spent the while evening with loved ones yesterday, eating good home-cooked food and listening to music in lots of different ways.

Firstly as background while I prepped the meal and then as we all sate, ate and played catchup.

My youngest lad came up from London to stay for the night and play me the latest cut on five new songs they have recently added real piano and strings to. Still need to sort levels out but we had a nice time listening in detail and discussing options.

As he was familiar with my old setup, we then had a protracted session listening to familiar tracks on headphone and speakers and commenting on the changes we heard. All of it favourable I might add . Finally, we all sat back and played new tracks and artists we’d been impressed by lately. We do this quite often and it’s a great musical cross-pollination, he gets to hear music from outside of his normal peer group and I get the best from his household of young professional musicians working in and around London. It’s a very healthy musical environment.

In all of this, the new amp acquitted itself effortlessly, the music was the focus, as it should be and we ended the evening richer for it.

I consider that as time and money well spent.

Toes dipped successfully.

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