First up, big thanks to Angus for making the trip to my abode and bringing his equipment for this battle of epic proportions!!!

Firstly, we fitted a rather lovely cartridge. An Ortofon Vienna. We had a listen to the Jolida as is sat and tuned our ears to the presentation. Then, we installed the Denon HA-500. I should mention that this is a recapped, re- everything, upgraded Transformers etc HA-500, and should be noted as not being standard. This is valued as a £300 unit.

Instantly, it was very apparent that the Denon was having an effect on the sound. It created a cleaner sound. almost like it was cleaning the signal prior to it getting to the speakers. There was a wonderfully crisp, sharp and overall transparent quality. The soundstage was no bigger than previously, that i could tell, but there seemed to be a bit more depth. The bass tightened and the highs were sparkling. the midrange had more detail and better timbre. I really liked what it did or didnt do i should say, which is impose a tonal change on the replay.

There was some mains noise being picked up and a tiny increment of hum but that dissipated when i moved the HA away from the phono stage. I also heard a modicum of hiss at the start of the record which i assume was coming from the HA.

Next the Hashimoto HM-3 SUT (£500+)

Well, as i suspected & expected, the HM-3 were very very good. No background hiss at all. They really excelled in the midrange but i felt the bass wasn't as tight as when the Denon was in. Later, replay showed the bass to be better controlled than when the TT was directly connected to the Jolida. The best way to describe the effect of the HM-3 is "fluidity" there is a very nice liquid like presentation from the SUT and its very easy to find yourself immersed into the track. This was a highlight which was't quite as apparent with the Denon HA. Tonally, there wasn't the scale the Denon HA provided or the clarity. Everything sounded a little softer but i can see how that will appeal to some listeners. Overall, the sound was very involving and an altogether more "easy" listen.

The SUT exhibited lots of hum and was very susceptible to positioning and earthing, unfortunatley, we were unable to rid the unit of the hum (due to cable length) . I have heard this unit free of hum.


It all omes down to personal taste. There IS something very likeable with the HM-3 sound, Its "romantic" but if, like me, you listen to Metalica and various other bands which demand pace and precision, it may not work in your favour. We played a Kenny Ball LP through the HM-3 and it was smooth, rich and very very easy to listen to. We played the same LP through the Denon HA-5oo and i nearly lost an ear!!!!

So ....... buy with your musical preferences in mind. There was no outright winner here. other than that, the use of a SUT or HA did massivley improve the phono stage when using a SUT or HA rather than Direct MC input.

It is now my opinion that using a SUT or HA into a MM phonostage IS the best method. It certainly was in my system today.

Audio Technica AT-ART7 mc Cartridge,

Angus had been teasing me with the news of a new purchase for the last few weeks while i had been waiting for his visit to my house.... no news other than a "new cartridge that makes me happy to sell the Ortofon Vienna" After previously hearing how stunning the Vienna was, i was left intrigued!

FFW to today and a very beautiful AT ART7 was installed onto the SP10 and PMAT1010 tonearm.

A few seconds into the test track of the day, "Dire straits – Private investigations", i knew this little cart was very special indeed. The best way to describe it is to forget everything AT is synonymous with. Neutral, toppy, polite, blah, blah, blah

This cartridge is ballsy, dynamic, punchy and downright addictive!!! It delivered the drumstrike with such exhuberance that the very fine hairs on my bald head moved. I am serious!!! It was breathtakingly dynamic. Detail wasnt quite at the level the Ortofon reached and the soundstage was slightly smaller but goddam, this cartridge came very very close. It was also slightly, very slightly, maybe 0.1mm on the warm side of neutral but it was all the better for it!!!! the nylon guitar sounded snappy and full of that twang and snappy tone i look for and it just kept the pace and timing perfectly. It never got muddled or messy either. Well devoloped bass lines were easy to follow and the top end was well extended. A really well balanced performance.

I really liked this cartridge and at £999 for a brand new one (The Ortofon Vienna was £2000+) it is a serious contender. Try one if you can. It was almost Wicked in its delivery. Awesome!

It was a very busy day with all the component swapping but thoroughly enjoyable. Pictures to follow.