Initial impressions going from the 2M to the 301 is the lack of resolution and micro detail. Midrange and bottom end nice.
The 301 really brings out the soul of the singer on vocal material. Instruments are more fully fleshed out with 'more meat on the bone' as you said Marco.

However I am missing the top end detail of the 2M. The absolutely quite surface noise from the 301 is amazing. I have never heard a cartridge produce such little clicks or pops. If vinyl annoys you because of this, BUY this cartridge!

It is a very easy listening cartridge which turns in a great performance especially considering its price, less than half the 2M.
But I do miss the resolution and live acoustic the 2M delivers.

I don't think I have changed my opinions of the 301 and enjoy its musicality but it begs the question should I try a DL S1, its bigger brother which from memory had everything including fabulous detailed insight.

How would you describe the sound of the DL S1 Marco as you have lived with it for a long time and have a much clearer understanding of what it can do compared to the short periods I have listened to it?