
I am new on this forum, hope to find more fans of active speaker set ups.
Since 1984 I run active set ups, at the moment 3 full systems up and running, hope to get more info on digital dsp run systems.
I've been building speakers since 1979, also because of that I decided to go active to be more flexible in experimenting with different types of speakers and cabinets, without the need for expensive passive hardware.
At the moment I run an active system with a Thell diy 3 way active analog crossover, one with a modified Behringer DSP and one with a Najda based dsp, at the moment I prefer the Behringer with passive output stage and modified digital input stage, but I am still in test mode.
On paper the Najda should be better then the Behringer, but I am struggeling with the set up of the Najda, with some music, on PC, Flac files, the system has digital distortion, the red overload led comes up, terrible 100 % distortion, it is rare but it happens with very high output data.
Also to save money on the number of poweramps needed I run 2 systems with (second hand, real cheap!) Yamaha RXV2400 using the multi channel inputs to use the 6 poweramps needed in a 3 way system, that works really well!
I hope someone has interest in my systems, questions and helpfull tips are welcome,

Greetings, tojoko.