My father recently died.

His main interest in recent years was his hifi, and he was constantly tinkering with it and spent a fair bit on it. I've not uncovered any receipts - which were probably burned at the time to stop them falling into my mother's hands! - but I've done some www research and have a very rough idea of what it's worth though it's hard to find precise comparisons.

Question is whether I should sell it here, piece by piece, or take it along to one of the 2nd hand hifi dealers (no, not cash converters) to get rid in one go. Any hints on likely sale prices here, and the discount if I took it as a bundle to a shop, also appreciated.

It's of no real interest to me, nor my mother. My music is consumed from CDs/mp3s and I'm not going to get back into vinyl. Even if I did, the cost of this stuff would be wasted on my ears, and the cash will make a bit of difference to my mother.

- Linn Sondek LP12
- Linn Ittok LV II
- Ortofon Cadenza red
- ANT Kora 3T phono preamp
- taga vertexaq distribution block
- 4x Nordost power cables (approx 36, 38, 90 & 94 cm long)
- Quad 909

(I probably will keep the speakers and CD player - AE1s and Marantz KI Pearl Lite)

