Ok, lets tackle this pish...

Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
It isn't a zero-sum game. One person being fabulously wealthy is not preventing another person from becoming wealthy. It isn't a game of monopoly where there is only so much to go around.
Yes, but that's not the point I was making.

Also those multi-millionaires give staggering amounts of money to charity. Those you hear about are just the tip of the iceberg.
Many undoubtedly do, but also many undoubtedly don't. I guess that I would exempt the former from the ruling I proposed, but they would be required to maintain their contributions at that level for as long as they remained in the category of the 'super rich'.

People are poor and starving due to idiocy and incompetence, not because some fat bastard is hoarding all the food and money in a warehouse somewhere.
Honestly, your inability to look beyond the framework of your own 'world view', when discussing these matters, sometimes beggars belief. The above statement demonstrates that even more than your once infamous assertion that in the UK "there is no such thing as food banks"!

Aside from "idiocy and incompetence", the fact is, lots of underprivileged people (from birth) simply don't have access to the same opportunities as others, like you and me, never mind the 'super rich'. That isn't their fault, but merely symptomatic of how society treats the 'haves' and 'have nots', and is nothing whatsoever to do with their "idiocy and incompetence".

However, even if they were idiotic and incompetent, as many people no doubt are (and that applies to everyone, including some of the 'super rich'), we, as members of the privileged in society, have [or should have] a duty to look after those less fortunate than ourselves.

That's a fundamental humanitarian principle that any good and right-thinking person should have ingrained in their DNA - and the 'super rich' who are in the best position to offer financial support to the needy, should be required to do that, and at a level that can make a REAL difference.

As Grant wrote earlier:

Quote Originally Posted by Struth
we as a member of the human race should be doing more as a united group on humanitarian grounds and not individually for political purposes, or through greed.
*That* is it in a nutshell.

There are WAY too many selfish 'I'm all right Jack, fuck you' types around, and so anything that forces a change in such self-centred attitudes, and spreads the division of wealth more fairly and evenly, has to be a good thing - or at least considered as such by those able to look beyond the cosy confines of their insular little bubbles.

Greed for wealth and/or power has been (and still is) the catalyst for so much that is wrong with the world we live in, and something needs to be done about that before it's all too late.
