Quote Originally Posted by Audio Al View Post
Early day yet but 19 willing members , See what happens later in the week

My thoughts on this would be a venue with rooms for over night accommodation , arrive Saturday , book in , meal , meet and greet , few beers and a chat , If the venue has a medium conference room each member would be allocated a time slot for setting up and running their system, then all change onto the next members system etc

Central location should please everyone , very early days yet and 19 people may not work , Time will tell
These are just my thoughts

If we end u with 70 members maybe a room based show like WW
If its a single room you need several set ups so you can move from one to the next with no down time. Otherwise it takes longer to switch kit than the time you have left to play it. The Wam show is more like 500 visitors/day plus exhibitors so a different scale. The NEBO meets were either side of 30 attendees, with over 50% showing something. Correct me if I'm wrong there guys.