On my previous Technics, I had the fluid damper and a DL-110. It was a nice combo. I was actually able to dial back the VTF a bit with the damper installed, which had a nice effect, but you really do need to be careful of how much fluid you add to the trough (1/3 seemed about right, more caused too much damping), and be careful not to over-tighten the paddle to the arm. I imagine the fluid damper would work well on most (though not all) Technics clone arms, so long as they have the little side extension for the cueing level where the paddle gets attached (the Audio Technica AT-LP120 arm does NOT have this, and thus is not compatible). I'm curious how other people with straight arm mods have enjoyed the fluid damper.

The DL-110 is still a good buy for the money if you know where to look. $175 is a good target price right now. FWIW, cable capacitance shouldn't matter with the DL-110, being HOMC, but it absolutely would matter if you stick with MM.