Quote Originally Posted by Kit1cat View Post
Hi Tim, thanks for the explanation of how the volume control works, 3a covers my setup. Barry
Hi Barry,

I started with the test4 download image and Pi-2B with IQaudIO Pi-DAC+ and no issues.

In my experience troubleshooting, whenever the UI behaves really strangely and does not seem to be working correctly, hangs, freezes, does not update, etc. it's almost always due to a bad or corrupt SD Card.

Another potential cause of odd UI behavior is stale Web Browser cache. In other words the Browser is using old pages from its cache instead of new ones from the web server on the Pi. The fix that usually works for this is to (a) clear the Browser cache using whatever option is available in the Browser to do this, or (b) close all instances of the Web browser, this usually resets its cache. Note that Firefox and IE 11 Browsers have been problematic.

Here is procedure I used for testing:

(1) Boot with test4 image
(2) Set I2S audio device to "IQaudIO Pi-DAC+" (System config page)
(3) reboot

Verify MPD Hardware volume control

(1) Set MPD volume control to "Hardware" (MPD config page)
(2) Set Logarithmic curve to "Yes" (Customize popup)
(3) Move Moode volume knob to 10 then to 0 to establish initial MPD-ALSA volume level of 0
(4) Verify ALSA volume (%) is 0 on System config page
(5) Play a radio station, adjust Moode volume knob

Verify MPD Software volume control

(1) Set MPD volume control to "Software"
(2) Set Moode knob to 0
(3) Set ALSA volume (%) to 100 (System config page)
(4) Play a radio station, adjust Moode volume knob

Verify configuration works after reboot

(1) reboot
(2) Play a radio station, adjust Moode volume knob
