
I've just put my ADC 26 into my Mission 774 arm after not having heard one for quite a while.

I'd forgotten how astonishingly good these cartridges are. They're virtually impossible to use in most arms because of the extremely high 60cu compliance. The 774 copes OK though. The sound is big, refined, uncoloured, truly transparent and enormously detailed. Very superior to what most MM cartridge users ever experience (OK technically it's an induced magnet cart). We're in the same territory as some pretty good MCs here. This really is pretty special, a superb sound.

The 26 definitely seems somewhat ahead of the excellent ADC 10E Mk.IV which is similar in design (and I like very much), but has lower compliance.

I just tried my spare ADC 27 stylus in the 26 (they are interchangeable). The 27's compliance is marginally lower. It sounded identical to me.