Hi Folks I am here as invited by Marco.
I am proposing to manufacture another batch of 25 bearings, since the sale of the last one available has now generated a rapid increase
in people wanting one. They are all falling off the fence.
I have had to increase the base price from $625.00 to $685.00 to cover the increase in materials and labour (my Toolmakers not me!!).
The initial price was set about 5 years ago.
So what I propose is that I set the price of the first 15 bearings at $665.00 this will include postage.
The deposit will be $300.00 and regarded as a comitment to buy.
I will post regular status reports and if you agree I will post the names of those people who have joined the scheme.
Is this agreeable to all those that may be interested??

Bearing Base Plates.
The Bearing Base Plates will now be made only by myself in the same way as before.

People have also asked me if I am going to continue manufacturing the ETP Platter.
The answer is YES as this upgrade is totally machined and assembled by myself so I am far more able to control what I do.
I have now standardised on a thickness of 25mm (1") but am happy to supply 30mm if required.