Lights… ‘The Listening’

What can I say about this album…? When I first heard Lights it was the acoustic version whilst sat in a wine bar on a lonely Saturday with nothing to do but now that I have bought the full album version, I find that it is a highly synthetic blend along the lines of the Cardigans and Sophie Ellis Bextor. The album contains some very nice synth pads with the occasional cutting filter sweep so I guess is up there with a ‘modern’ sound but it is the fact that Autotune is used on every single vocal line that pisses me off so much. Can this gurl sing or not and if not, why the hell is she making albums and getting contracts when there are young people out there who quite clearly can sing…?

Forgiving this gurl the fact that she looks about fourteen years old, I would say that she can indeed sing and that the Autotune is used for effect but had I still had my old Croft/Dali setup, this one fact would have been even more crucifyingly obvious than it is now. This effect spoils a stunningly good pop album. Buy it, give it to the kids and play it at parties. Her voice is to die for on the acoustic version but this is just shite.