As I'd always been an aircraft 'nut' somebody my parents knew gave me the vinyl LP of that recording , which I still have. I think (but memory fades) I got it around the time when the film Battle of Britain was released, probably '69'ish or thereabouts.

One thing that strikes me, when I'm being fanciful or trying to philosophise (is that a word ?)...... is that we all encounter a certain phenomenon and often we don't realise:
It's what you may refer to as 'the last time' and by that I mean, we all do and see things and often they become common place. But, in hindsight - we never remember when those sort of sights/events stop. If you knew at the time, that what you were seeing/doing would be the last time you ever saw it/did it - you would try to remember it better or photograph it....... but because these instances creep upon you, you don't have the chance.

One such, major memory was of being in the back of my parents car, driving back from holiday Northbound on the A1. As we approached Alconbury the ground to the right was higher than the carriageways and several Phantoms were just taking off and gaining height as we drove beneath them. What a sight it was, but in those days Phantoms were common-place.
But one day they weren't and now every time I drive that stretch of road, I look across and think of that hot summers day and think " we don't fly Phantoms anymore, do we ?"

You wouldn't believe the thrill I got many years later when I read a book by Cecil Lewis called Sagittarius Rising, which is about Cecil's time in WWI as a RFC pilot ..... and out of nowhere he suddenly writes about 'The Last Time'.
Keep these stories coming guys, because one day we won't be here to tell them and they will fade from memory like the old soldiers are doing now.